这是宾语从句么 例如 they won't come .i think 改为宾语从句解释越细越好 这块没学明白

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:31:04

这是宾语从句么 例如 they won't come .i think 改为宾语从句解释越细越好 这块没学明白
这是宾语从句么 例如 they won't come .i think 改为宾语从句
解释越细越好 这块没学明白

这是宾语从句么 例如 they won't come .i think 改为宾语从句解释越细越好 这块没学明白
应该是:I do not think that they will come.
I don’t think he will come to my party.而不能说成I think he won’t come to my party.
I don’t believe that man is killed by Jim,is he?

i think (that) they won't come .

I think that they will not come.

I think that they won't come .所谓宾语从句就是宾语部分是一个句子。一般的我们说简单的句子包括主谓宾,例如I like the book,在这个句子里the book是宾语,而改成一个句子比如说I like that he will come.我想让他来。同样的就只是把动词后的单词换成了一个句子,中间加一个连词就好了。明白了吧?...


I think that they won't come .所谓宾语从句就是宾语部分是一个句子。一般的我们说简单的句子包括主谓宾,例如I like the book,在这个句子里the book是宾语,而改成一个句子比如说I like that he will come.我想让他来。同样的就只是把动词后的单词换成了一个句子,中间加一个连词就好了。明白了吧?


i think that they will not come .

这是宾语从句么 例如 they won't come .i think 改为宾语从句解释越细越好 这块没学明白 they told us that .这是可省THAT的宾语从句么?宾语从句的先行词也不一定是动词?这个先行词不是动词也是宾语从句? 英语 怎么区分宾语从句和定语从句Do you know who has won Battlefield3 game?这句怎么看出来是宾语从句呢 我怎么觉得像是定语从句 作主语呢who作主语 Do you think the news that we won the game is true?这句话对吗?是宾语从句? We asked some peple what they think.这是一个什么句式?是宾语从句吗? They always tell you what a picture is about.请问这是宾语从句吗? They have no idea at all where she has gone .这句话是同位语从句还是宾语从句? 这个句子是大宾语从句套小宾语从句的结构么?They control how well we understand what we hear or read. they haven't decided to when they will start. 这句话是一个宾语从句,有错吗, 宾语从句是主句用什么时态从句就用什么时态么 例如主句用过去完成时从句用什么时态? 请问这个it是形式宾语吗?有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语与从句前加it例如:I hate it when they with their mouths full of food.这里的it是做的形式宾语吗?如果不是这里的it和形式宾语的it有什么区别 they are afraid (that)I'll live alone.(that)可省?我感觉是同位于?是宾语从句?是宾语从句就能省?做宾语可省是定于从句? the question is whether they will come.这句话是名词性从句的表语从句还是宾语从句?或是别的句型? 这句是宾语从句吗When taken to task the reply is invariably that they don't understand or that the school has told them they may do as they wish.这是宾语从句吗? 宾语从句,定语从句例如that后一定要跟有主谓宾结构的句子么? 判断一个宾语从句It's a way to say you are happy that they are there.这个句子是不是一个双重的宾语从句?第一部分 you are happy 做 say 的宾语 这是一个宾语从句第二部分 they are there 做 are happy 的宾语 这 They say that first impressions are very important .是宾语从句还是表语从句? 啥是宾语从句