
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:24:40




suddenly是sudden的什么形式 suddenly和All of sudden 有什么区别?比如说用法上的. suddenly除了等于all of a sudden 还等于什么? (sudden) sound sudden要改成suddenly吗 You suddenly appeared ,and suddenly l like to eat ,all of a sudden you go away,l began to waste,all of a sudden 请问这是怎么意思 中文的意思 suddenly 是副词,he suddenly become cheerful,这里的suddenly 修饰什么? I was so nervous and suddenly … 为什么这里的 sudden用副词啊?求教 第4题用suddenly还是sudden?why? _____,a monster appeared .(Sudden/Suddenly) 写出下列形容词的副词形式.quick,easy,bad,sudden, 这个题目用suddenly还是sudden.题目:_____{突然},they saw a snake in front of them.是用suddenly还是sudden?我知道suddenly是副词,修饰动词,sudden是形容词,修饰名词.但这里应该用哪个?刚提了一次问题,发现2个回 The old man died last night sudden.为什么得用suddenly而不是sudden 几道英语非谓语的题目~重要的是解释说明1._____,she ran out of the room.(D,也顺便说下C错哪了)A.Having tears in her eyes and turned suddenly B.With a sudden turn,tearful eyes C.Turning suddenly,with tears in her eyes D.With tear sudden什么意思 用所给词的适当形式填空1.While I was walking down the street ,the UFO____(land)suddenly.2.The meeting has to be______(cancel)because of the sudden fire.3.Peter worked as a______(person) interpretor for the boss after he graduated from Harva 帮忙翻译一个初中英语短语中译英“突然地”短语,相当于suddenly,大概四个词左右最后一个单词ms是sudden sudden的副词是什么? sudden的意思