.preferential tax rate 1

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.preferential tax rate 1
.preferential tax rate

.preferential tax rate 1
[,prefə'renʃəl] [reit]
扑锐佛瑞舍尔 瑞特

The state council concerning the implementation of enterprise income tax preferential policies of transition notice [2007] no. 39 (hereinafter referred to as the "transitional preferential policy noti...


The state council concerning the implementation of enterprise income tax preferential policies of transition notice [2007] no. 39 (hereinafter referred to as the "transitional preferential policy notice) regulation, since January 1, 2008, the original enjoy preferential policies of low tax rate and tax law enforcement in the new company after 5 years gradually transition to the legal rate. The original enterprise income tax rate of 15% enjoy 2008 by 18%, tax execution.



Income after financial reform to promote development of local taxes

Second is to improve the relationship between taxes and regulation and coordination, and create conditions for fo...


Income after financial reform to promote development of local taxes

Second is to improve the relationship between taxes and regulation and coordination, and create conditions for foreign enterprises income tax. Realistically speaking, the name of the current corporate income tax rate (33%) is not high, around 14 in our countries and regions, 10 countries or regions corporate income tax rate of 30% or more. 33% tax rate is lower at the international level. Moreover, in recent years, the actual rate of corporate income tax rate and the nominal far. In this case, if the nominal tax rate drop too low,ghd hair straightener, not only affect the revenue of its security function should be, and will make our income tax preferential space is limited. Enterprises are generally reflected in the current heavy burden, its root is not the duty, but rather the numerous non-tax burden. Thus, while the tax clearance between chaos and speed up the pace of tax reform, easing the burden on both a fundamental policy, but also foreign enterprises income tax to simultaneously address a key problem. In this regard, we must consider the overall burden of the actual business, but also to consider the real income of the state finance and disposable resources. At this stage, if you only consider the tax without taking into account the various costs can occur due to low tax burden and high cost led to the actual business but higher than in the past is not normal. In short, the relationship between tax and fees while addressing only be conducive to the relationship between business and government, \ In complex tax system, the Government has given the policy objectives of the tax system must be division of labor between the different taxes, different taxes in the process of achieving public policy objectives must be coordinated balanced and interrelated. Income tax policy coordination, including income tax and other taxes in the tax system class collaboration. The synergy with the turnover tax, and property tax synergies, but also within the various taxes including income tax synergies between. Collaborative goal is to make the government give tax policy functions can be fully implemented and achieved; coordination mechanism is related to tax means the tax system design elements, such as the determination of the taxpayer, the tax base (tax base) of the choice of tax rates design and adjustment, the core issue is the balance of the tax burden related to taxes and adjustments. II regions and between central and local coordination between the income tax system the existing corporate income tax and personal income tax law, enterprises and individuals in the field of income earned in the source of income to pay income tax is arrived approach to solve the double taxation avoidance and inter-regional income distribution. As social and economic development, China needs to further improve the income tax, including local income tax levy. However, once the introduction of local income tax, the main difference between the tax will generate substantial new tax coordination issues. 1. Local income tax on the income tax base dependent on the central coordination of central and local income tax system in the future,ghd hair straighteners, you have to determine the local tax base. But the local income tax is a separate local tax authorities approved its own tax base, or charge based on the central income tax base, or local income tax by merging with the central income tax and the tax rate established storage, and then by the level of the budget division of the Treasury by income, which in different countries have different choices. If you choose to place their own independent self-approved tax base, and its advantage is the flexibility to independently carry out its own set of social and economic policies (such as the introduction of capital, technology,ghd hair straightener, personnel policies, play to their advantages of regional industrial policy to encourage the public welfare in the region donation policy to encourage the rapid technological advances and equipment depreciation policy, etc.), the drawback is to increase the local tax levied for management and the procedures and difficulties taxpayers, increase tax costs. If you choose to place dependent on the central income tax base or tax rate combined with the central income tax method,polo bags, the advantages and disadvantages with the former just the opposite. For China's future will be divided into the local income tax, we believe that, given the vast country, the region's economic development level and income level, financial situation, economic structure, ethnic composition, etc. are quite different, and local income tax collection and management experience opened immature, etc. a variety of factors, the local income tax should choose to share with the central income tax base,ghd hair straightener, but allows for the carrying out of its place to make a small adjustment of social and economic policies.
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