请问这个句子i enjoy songs such as this one中的such as this one做什么句子成分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:35:18

请问这个句子i enjoy songs such as this one中的such as this one做什么句子成分
请问这个句子i enjoy songs such as this one中的such as this one做什么句子成分

请问这个句子i enjoy songs such as this one中的such as this one做什么句子成分

请问这个句子i enjoy songs such as this one中的such as this one做什么句子成分 I enjoy watching English films and ___________ (listen)to real English songs.根据汉语提示完成句子 enjoy sth 是不是享受……或喜爱……I enjoy singing.这个句子对么~ The 20 minutes of group dancing was my favorite part of each day.I had so much fun ___ the folk songs.A.to dance and enjoy B dancing and enjoying C.danced and enjoyed D to dance and enjoyed并把这个句子翻译下!我也不能理解 请问,这个句子是个什么从句?I like eating what kind of food at the moment?意思是什么呢?还有一个句子,“I enjoy reading what kind of books at the moment. Do you enjoy listening to English songs?这个listen加不加ing I enjoy going shopping.句子成立吗 that I coild enjoy是什么从句它是什么从句?Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy在这个句子中,它是什么从句 They enjoy themselves now.这个句子对吗? can I to listen songs your sweet(连句子) 请问这个Enjoy翻译成中文是什么意思? She enjoy __(listen) to enholish songs. 请英语大神批改这个句子!she has a gift for music creation that her songs words are moving me deeply ,when i heard her songs,my heart beat alone with its melody. I enjoy listening to Britney's songs because her voice is sweet,为什么要填voice而不能填sound? 为什么这个英语句子是宾语从句?I'm sure that the exchange students will enjoy their stay in China. 划分这个句子的成分:I enjoy working with you.到底谁是对的啊?能证明么? I LIKE BLUE SONGS 用享受组句子英语的,enjoy用这个享受