请教一句英语的语法结构What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:03:14

请教一句英语的语法结构What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group?
What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group?

请教一句英语的语法结构What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group?
赞同二楼的翻译,分析:整个句子为特殊疑问句,what percent of the increase in the total numbers of magazine为疑问词,关键词是“what percent”,“of”译为“的”就行,译为“在杂志所有的读者增加的数量中有多少比重”,was自然是谓语,后接表语“the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group”,译为“31-40年龄阶层读者的增长数量”,所以整个句子即为“增加的读者中,31-40年龄阶层增长的比重占多少.”(希望帮到你!)

What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group?
分析不出来。 太拗口了。

请教一句英语的语法结构What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group? 一句英语的语法结构和意思To begin at the bottom,what are our very senses themselves,but organs of selection? 请教一句英语的中文意思Love what you do,shareit with others. 请分析一个英语句子的语法结构friends 里的一句台词:What's an intellegent girl who wants to be in fashion doing making coffe?我知道此句的意思,只是不清楚语法结构,尤其是“making coffe”充当的是什么成份 一句英语的语法结构分析we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.that each should give 修饰什么? 解释这句英语结构,语法 求教一句英语句子的语法What significance is there in gaining the world if it means losing yourself what do you do 的语法结构 一句英语的语法结构,谁帮我分析分析啊Is an MBA degree really what i need to be best prepared for getting a good job?特别是其中的what作什么成分啊.晕,我知道啊是定语从句啊,我是问what在这定语从句里代表什 这句英文意思很明白,请给分析一下它的语法关系.这是新概念英语第四册第十八课里一开始提出的一外问题.What would you say is the main characteristic of porpoises?请详细分析一下这个句子的语法结构 收集英语中最难的语法 结构 表达 固定用法比如...do for ...what...do for...越多越好 请教有关I want you to be happy 的语法现象今天遇到二句简单英语,但十分想不通它们的语法及意义的区别:I want you to be happy.I want you to happy.这二句从语法结构上讲,有啥不同?第一句中为啥用be happ dose what madam bellinsky said come true?=what dose she say come true?上面两句可以互换吗?第一句的what是什么语法结构呢? 一句英语句子的语法分析,I don't want them stringing along as well语法结构详细分析,举例多个,最好能衍生下, 英语连词成句 ( 按合适的语法写) is about what proj英语连词成句 ( 按合适的语法写) is about what project their 请教一句句子的语法Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say.求教这句句子的相关知识点 谁能说一下这句英语的语法结构:I love you more than I can say. 分析这句英语的语法结构(People writing songs that voices never share)