求高手帮我翻译下成英文.急用论文,请勿用工具.浅议李清照词艺术成就 [内容提要]李清照是我国南北宋之交的一位著名女词人,也是我国古代文学史上有着特殊地位的女文学家.她诗、词、文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:24:37

求高手帮我翻译下成英文.急用论文,请勿用工具.浅议李清照词艺术成就 [内容提要]李清照是我国南北宋之交的一位著名女词人,也是我国古代文学史上有着特殊地位的女文学家.她诗、词、文
[内容提要]李清照是我国南北宋之交的一位著名女词人,也是我国古代文学史上有着特殊地位的女文学家.她诗、词、文、赋、金石、书、画无所不精,而以词的艺术成就最为突出.清王士祯在《花草蒙拾》中说:“婉约以易安为宗.豪放惟幼安(辛弃疾)称首”.不但 她的词在群花争艳的宋代词苑中,独树一帜,而且其词论也自成一家.宋代词论中最有代表性的观点有两家:一是苏轼的“词是诗裔说”,一是李清照的“别是一家说”.她以旷世难逢的才思和女性特有的柔肠灵性,敏感深情地致力于别具一格的小词创作,有着鲜明的个性风神.由于生活的变迁,其作品内容可以分为三个阶段.第一阶段反映青春少女热爱自然、热爱生活的作品活泼自由,充满生机.第二阶段反映年轻少妇思亲恋亲的绵绵情怀的作品,悲伤中包含着期盼,冷清中又有热烈的渴望.第三阶段由于国破家亡,孤身漂泊异地他乡,作品多思乡恋旧,怀念亲人,表现一种孤苦无助的家国之痛.她的词从题材到风格形成了以婉约柔媚为主的女性化特点,展现了一个在那个时代十分特殊的知识女性的心灵世界.其主要的艺术成就表现在以下几方面:一是锤炼语言见“本色”,清新淡雅显自然,不雕琢处显现其语言艺术真功夫.二是追求韵律美,使得词韵推展极其富于节奏感、音乐性.三是善用经典故实,使得写景含蓄、抒情蕴深,表无限之情思于有限之言语之间.四是巧妙构思,造境新奇,对表情达意起到了推动作用.五是以女性视角选择题材,抒发细腻的感伤情怀.
[关键词] 李清照    词    易安体    婉约派    艺术成就

求高手帮我翻译下成英文.急用论文,请勿用工具.浅议李清照词艺术成就 [内容提要]李清照是我国南北宋之交的一位著名女词人,也是我国古代文学史上有着特殊地位的女文学家.她诗、词、文
On the artistic achievements of the word Li Qingzhao
[Content] Li Qingzhao of China's north-south at the turn of the Song, a famous female poet, but also on China's古代文学史have a special status of women writers. Her poetry, words, culture, Fu, epigraphy, books, paintings everything fine, but in terms of the most outstanding artistic achievements. Qing Wang Shizhen in the "flowers kept away", he said: "graceful to an easy case for. Uninhibited but David on (Xin Qiji) said the first." Not only in terms of her group spent Zhengyan Court in the words of the Song Dynasty, is unique, but also on its word Zichengyijia. Song of the word in the most representative view there are two: First, Su Shi's "Poetry is the term ethnic said," First, Li Qingzhao "is not one that." She Kuangshinanfeng the Caisi and women Rouchang unique spiritual, deeply sensitive to the unique creation of small words, has a distinct personality Fengshen. As life changes, the content of his works can be divided into three phases. The first stage of the youth girls love nature, love life and lively works of the free and full of life. The second stage of the young ladies think of the pro-pro-love sentiments, followed by the works included in a sad hope, have deserted in the warm desire. As the third phase of the Pojia death, unaccompanied Wandering different places abroad, the works of more than homesickness Lianjiu, miss their loved ones, a Guku performance of the home country will not help the pain. Word from her subjects to create a graceful style Roumei the feminization of the main characteristics, displaying a very special in that era of the knowledge of women's spiritual world. The main achievements of the art performance in the following aspects: First, tempering language, see the "true color", was fresh and elegant nature, not Diaozhuo Department show their true language arts skills. The second is the pursuit of rhythm, making the word rhyme extended an extremely rich rhythm and musical. Third, make the best use of it is classic, making Xiejing subtle and lyrical Yun-deep, infinite form of limited language Qingsi in between. Fourth, it is ingenious idea of making Habitat novel, the expression Dayi played a role. Five female perspective is chosen theme, the sentimental expression of delicate sentiments.

求高手帮我翻译下成英文.急用论文,请勿用工具.浅议李清照词艺术成就 [内容提要]李清照是我国南北宋之交的一位著名女词人,也是我国古代文学史上有着特殊地位的女文学家.她诗、词、文 求高手帮我翻译一下成英文 用户名或密码错误 麻烦帮我下一下这篇论文 急用 求高手翻译一篇英文论文~关于DSP应用的~ 英语翻译请求高手帮我翻译下, 请从生物学角度帮我定义:陆生无脊椎动物找不到“陆生无脊椎动物”的确切定义,具体怎么划分,比如蚊子幼虫在水中生长,算是陆生无脊椎动物吗?请高手帮我下个定义,论文用,请勿忽悠. 找个英语高手帮我翻译 100字的汉语论文帮我翻译英语 麻烦英语高手翻译下啊!帮我把下面的翻译成英文!要深情浪漫点哦!呵呵!也祝你情人节快乐!请勿网站翻译老公!我知道你肯定忙坏了!一直在不停的工作! 有时你晚上又要应酬或者工作到很晚!到 英语翻译高手帮我翻译下:迷上勾魂使者译成英文 绝对无敌歌词 里的英文部分 哪个高手帮我翻译下 哪位英文高手帮我翻译下路名..急用..谢谢啊!懂英语的朋友请进-大家帮忙翻译个地址几号楼怎么翻译啊?例如:人民路183号5号楼3单元203室 求高手帮我看看一张英语的单子高手帮我翻译下 翻好了追加100分 急寻高手帮我翻译下论文的英文摘要,立刻追加50分!标题 :中外资银行经营治理和发展战略的比较 [摘要] 近年来,金融全球化发展趋势越来越快,外资银行纷纷涌入中国,为中国银行业的发展与 求英语高手用英文帮我写个自我介绍 求希腊语翻译一生最爱哪位高手帮我翻译下.希望标准点,谢谢了 请高手帮翻译下消防英文科室牌 求高手帮我解说下电路. 英语翻译论文投稿还要求标题和关键词用英文,所以请各位高手帮我手动翻译下.不要在线翻译软件翻译的,标题:超声洁治前使用药物减少术中出血的临床观察关键词:超声洁治;消炎药物;牙