
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:00:24


Qingdao University of Science & Technology (QUST) is a key university of Shandong Province.It is a multi-disciplinary university which focuses on engineering,coordinately develops with science,engineering,art,economic,management,medicine and law,and distinguishes itself by material science,chemical engineering,applied chemistry,mechanical engineering,automation and information technology and computer science.
Founded in the year 1950,QUST now has three campuses which are Laoshan Campus,Sifang Campus and Gaomi Campus.It has 25,000 full-time students,2500 of them being postgraduate or PhD students.QUST has the power to offer Bachelor鈥檚,Master鈥檚 and Doctor鈥檚 degree,and also the power to recommend admission of postgraduates exempt from examination.It now has seven PhD majors,four postdoctoral research stations,five primary disciplines for master degree,49 postgraduate majors,60 undergraduate majors,and one national key laboratory (authorized for construction),one national engineering technology research center,two key laboratories of Ministry of Education,one engineering technology research center of Ministry of Education,14 key majors and key laboratories of Shandong Province,5 provisional engineering technology research centers,and 8 key laboratories,engineering research centers and industrial supportive centers of Qingdao City.QUST has two national educational teams,3 provisional educational teams,4 national specialized majors,one national talents training innovative experimental area,8 provisional model majors and specialized majors.It has won two national teaching achievement awards,two courses of national excellence,one national bilingual course,and one national experiment teaching demonstration center.Due to the high quality education,QUST has been evaluated as Outstanding College of Undergraduate Education Evaluation by Ministry of Education.
QUST now has 1452 full-time teachers,including 736 teachers who have senior professional and technical positions:one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,4 double-employed academicians,one winner of National Distinguished Model Teacher,two candidates of New Century Talents,3 National Young and Middle-Aged Experts with Outstanding Contribution,10 National Outstanding Teachers,5 Special-term professors of Taishan Scholars,6 winners of Outstanding Teachers of Shandong Province,5 Provincial Subjects Leaders of Shandong Province,4 Top Ten Outstanding Teachers of Shandong Province,24 Young and Middle-Aged Experts with Outstanding Contribution of Shandong Province,25 Top-notch Professional and Technical Talents of Qingdao City and 48 teachers having the special allowance of the State Council.
In recent three years,QUST has got 136 projects of National 863 Program,973 Program,National Natural Science Fund and National Key Scientific Breakthrough; 285 provisional,ministerial,civic subjects; 310 projects of enterprises.Over the past decade or more,QUST has won 14 National Prizes of Technology Invention and National Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology.In the 2007 Ranking of Science and Technology Contribution of Chinese Universities,the 2007 Ranking of Technology Innovation Contribution of Chinese Universities and 1979 to 2006 Awarding Situation of National Key Technology Inventions of Chinese Universities issued by related institutions,QUST ranks 39,27,22 in those rankings among all Chinese Universities.According to the data issued by Chinese Science and Technology Information Research Institute of Ministry of Science and Technology,in 2007 QUST has 248 papers indexed in SCI,ranking 58,and 137 papers indexed in EI,ranking 76.QUST has been honored as Advanced Unit of Scientific Research Outcome Transfer of Qingdao City,Outstanding Contribution Unit of Cooperation and Innovation of Research and Production in Shandong Province,and creates a widely acclaimed "The Phenomenon of QUST".
In the 60-year history of QUST,it keeps practicing the spirit of virtue,hard working,persistence and innovation,forms a practical,competitive and innovative studying atmosphere and a harmonious,devoted and honest campus culture.All these good qualities have already become the specialty in education of QUST.
In recent years,QUST has cooperated with 60 universities of 15 countries,such as Germany,Korea,America,Canada,Russia and France,in different levels and different areas.The Chinesisch-Deutsche Technische Fakultät (Sino-German Technical College) founded by QUST and the University of Paderborn of Germany has been included into the cooperation between the governments of Germany and China,and is honored as the model of joint-education cooperation.QUST actively develops cooperation with international companies,such as BASF,BAYER,Volkswagen,and Degussa,and sets research fund,joint-laboratory,post-undergraduate station,University Student Business Start-up Center,and International Engineer Training Center.