
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:28:34


Protecting shareholdings is an important content in management of modern company,and its ultimate defense is shareholder derivative litigation.Currently,the several laws about shareholder derivative litigation in our country are far not enough for practical needs.Therefore,to discuss the plaintiff's qualification,the range of defendant,the confirmation of law case jurisdiction,the legal cost sponsion system and the establishment of judicial review system of pacification and lawsuit recalling,as well as how to determine the charge of legal cost,must be defined in specific shareholder derivative litigation procedure.The three theories are necessary premises in consummating shareholder derivative litigation system in our country,including that setting up shareholder derivative litigation is favorable complementarity to shareholding protection,the attitude towards legislation of shareholder derivative litigation should be comparatively tolerant,borrowing ideas from foreign advanced experience should be combined with harmonizing domestic law system.
And,obviously,the premise of all the above,is the clear definition of characteristics of shareholding and shareholder derivative litigation qualification.

Stake in the modern corporate governance to protect a very important element, while the shareholder derivative litigation is the last barrier to protect equity. China's existing shareholder derivative...


Stake in the modern corporate governance to protect a very important element, while the shareholder derivative litigation is the last barrier to protect equity. China's existing shareholder derivative litigation on several provisions of the law simply can not meet real needs. Therefore, the discussion of China's shareholder derivative litigation in the plaintiff appropriate grid conditions, the scope of the defendant's case to determine the jurisdiction of the costs of litigation, security system and the reconciliation and withdraw an accusation of judicial review system is established or not, and how to determine the cost of litigation, and many bear-related issues, is to set a special shareholder derivative litigation procedures must be clear content. And establish a shareholder derivative lawsuit is to protect the favorable equity supplement the legislation on shareholder derivative action should be upheld by a relatively tolerant attitude towards learning the advanced experience of foreign countries and coordination with the domestic legal system relative balance between the three major concepts, it is improving shareholder derivative lawsuit system in China a necessary premise. Of course, all this should be clearly defined the nature of equity and shareholder derivative litigation premised on the nature of the right to appeal.


Abstract: Protecting stock right is a very important content that the modern company governs , that the shareholder derives legal action is the at last parclose that stock right protects but then. Sev...


Abstract: Protecting stock right is a very important content that the modern company governs , that the shareholder derives legal action is the at last parclose that stock right protects but then. Several law articles that our country now has about that the shareholder derives legal action have no way to satisfy real need at all. Therefore, deliberating our country shareholder plaintiff lattice condition suitable , defendant's range , ascertaining that law case administers , security for costs system and compromise in deriving legal action with a lot of relevance problem such as removing the building-up telling judicial review system or not , bearing it as well as how to ascertain legal costs, is that the shareholder who interposes a speciality derives content must make clear that by contentious procedure. But setting up a shareholder deriving legal action is that helping that stock right protects supplements , derives the legal action legislation three big idea such as should hold the advanced experience relatively, being tolerant of attitude , drawing abroad and harmonizing in the homeland legal system giving consideration to both each other to the shareholder, the precondition being that perfect our country shareholder derives legal action system. Certainly, all these, should take that the limpid boundary fixes the stock right character and the shareholder derives legal action telling the right character as premise.


To protect the ownership is the modern company management is a very important content, and shareholders derivative action is the final barrier protection equity. Several existing shareho...


To protect the ownership is the modern company management is a very important content, and shareholders derivative action is the final barrier protection equity. Several existing shareholders argued about the laws cannot meet the practical needs. Therefore, our shareholders of the plaintiff argued Craig conditions, the optimal range, under the jurisdiction of the case, the guarantee system of litigation costs and reconciliation and withdrawal of judicial review system establishment, and how to determine the litigation cost bear etc., is set up problems related to the shareholders derived by procedure must be clear about the content. But shareholders are set derivative action to protect the ownership of shareholders, and favorable supplement derived litigation legislation should hold relatively tolerant attitude, learn from foreign advanced experience and coordination in both domestic legal system and idea, perfecting shareholder is the necessary premise derived litigation system. Of course, this should be clearly defined by all the shareholders' equity with the property right for derivative action.


英语翻译摘要:保护股权是现代公司治理的一个非常重要的内容,而股东派生诉讼则是股权保护的最后屏障.我国现有的几条关于股东派生诉讼的法律条文根本无法满足现实的需要.因此,研讨我 英语翻译公司治理理论认为公司治理应该从相互制衡转向科学决策;从公司治理结构转向公司治理机制.公司治理的终极目标是实现组织目标,组织目标的核心是利益相关者价值最大化,现代会 英语翻译摘要:全面的剖析长期股权投资在日常会计中的应用,由浅及深,循序渐见的分析长期股权投资,内容清晰,条理清楚,概括为四个方面,一是长期股权投资的基本信息,定义,特 英语翻译内容摘要:中国的市场化进程如今已经进入了关键的阶段,但是作为市场机制核心部分,现代企业的公司治理结构却迟迟不能在改制后的国有企业发挥必有得作用.公司治理结构是现代 英语翻译文章摘要:公司法人人格否定制度,是对公司独立人格和股东的有限责任制度两大现代公司法律制度行之有效的补充.在特定情形下对股东有限责任进行修正和维护,达到对公司、股东 英语翻译买方持有或控制50%或以上股权的公司被持有或控制买方50%或以上股权的公司持有或控制了50%或以上股权的公司 英语翻译有如下一份股权转让协议书,请高手翻译,A公司股权转让协议签订协议各方:出让方:G公司受让方:P公司A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资企业.A公司 在杭州市工商行政管理局登 如何保护股权不被稀释?公司成立时,(甲乙双方签定合同)乙方拥有股份是20%,在公司的不断成长,甲方决定增资,乙方决定如何保证自己的股份不被稀释? 英语翻译股权分置改革是我国资本市场一场深刻的革命,它从制度上扫清了我国资本市场的发展障碍,促进了我国资本市场的发展.而股权分置改革的核心主体是上市公司,给上市公司治理体制带 洪水怎么治理现代的 英语翻译摘要本文对股权激励制度的理论基础进行详细的阐述,运用文献分析法、文本细读发、比较法和综合分析法,了解国内外非上市公司股权激励的发展历史和现状,结合我国国情,剖析制约 M公司拥有A公司70%的股权,拥有B公司30%股权,A公司拥有B公司40%股权,则M公司合计拥有B公司的股权为() governing firms in 关于公司治理的是金融方面的文章。关于公司治理的。是什么术语,直接译我也会。governing firms 是公司治理。 求一段英语翻译(C —>E)[摘要]:在目前的中国证券市场上,人们最关注的问题就是股权分置.本文通过股权分置的历史回顾,发现股权分置中出现的问题和导致的不利影响,促使我国政府迫切需 毕业论文英文摘要 帮忙翻译下 不要在线翻译的 谢谢 求大神摘要:财务管理处于公司治理的核心地位,其管理水平直接反应了公司整体管理水平,它为企业决策提供重要的依据.本文简要的阐述 未完成 股权分置改革 的公司 ,和 完成股权分置改革 的公司有什么区别? 现代公司制度是怎样形成的 现代公司制度是怎样形成的