牛津高中英语M6U2 what is happiness to you 的language points只要从后面单词表journalism开始到motivation部分就可以,要有phrase 和例句等等,不要发连接,救急,十分感谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:12:37

牛津高中英语M6U2 what is happiness to you 的language points只要从后面单词表journalism开始到motivation部分就可以,要有phrase 和例句等等,不要发连接,救急,十分感谢
牛津高中英语M6U2 what is happiness to you 的language points
只要从后面单词表journalism开始到motivation部分就可以,要有phrase 和例句等等,不要发连接,救急,十分感谢

牛津高中英语M6U2 what is happiness to you 的language points只要从后面单词表journalism开始到motivation部分就可以,要有phrase 和例句等等,不要发连接,救急,十分感谢
1. 残疾;无能,无力n. disability adj. disabled 2. 年少的,初级的junior
3. 仅仅,只不过;简单地 simply 4. 运动项目,比赛项目event
5. 精力充沛的,充满活力的energetic 6. 分开的,分离的apart
7. 克服,战胜overcome 8. 完成,实现accomplish/accomplishment
9. (使)适应,改编adapt 10. 积极的,正面的;肯定的positive
11. 乐观的optimistic 11. 鼓舞,激励inspire
13. 令人钦佩的,值得赞美的admirable n. admiration 14. 无法忍受的unbearable
15. 不幸的adj. unfortunate 不幸n. misfortune 16. 生动的,栩栩如生的vivid
17. 安排arrange 18. 分配allocate
19. 足够需要的,够用的adequate 20. 困惑的,烦恼的confused
21. 无任哪一个,任何一个 whichever 22. 独立的 independent
23. 指导,引导n. guidance 24. 天真无邪的adj. innocent
25. 交流,沟通,传达communicate 26. 保证,担保guarantee
27. 工作日workday 28. 陪伴n. company
29. 最小的,最低极限的;最小值minimum 30. 成熟的mature
31. 安全的,可靠的 secure 32. 动机,动力motivation
33. 伤害,损害 vt. Injure 34. 努力,奋斗,挣扎vi.& n. struggle
II. Phrase translation
1. 住院 in hospital 2. 远离,和…不在一起,除了…之外 apart from 3. 投身于…,献身于…devote oneself/time to 4. (使)高兴cheer up
5. 情绪好/坏in good/bad spirits 6. 遍及全世界across/throughout/all over the world 7. 注意到…,将…铭记在心take note of 8. 与…有关relate to
9. 在那时,在那个阶段 at that point 10. 匆忙地,急切地in a rush
11. 适应 adapt to 12. 花时间与某人在一起spend time with sb
13. 与…斗争,struggle with 14. 认为某人是. …describe sb as
15. 模范a role model 16. 兼职工作a part-time job
17. 一丁点,稍微一点a little bit 18. 将某人紧急送往医院rush sb to hospital
19. 保持积极态度stay positive 20. 头先着地land on one’s head
21. 避免做某事avoid doing 22. 回顾,回忆look back on
23. 陪伴某人keep sb company 24. 前往…leave for/make for/head for
25. 花时间放松take time to relax /spend time relaxing
26. 对…感到惊讶,因…而迷惑be amazed by 27. 在某人的指导下under sb’s guidance
III. Word study
1. struggle (P18 Line4) 争斗,搏斗,打斗
struggle with/to do vi 挣扎
n. 打斗,搏斗,斗争,努力
The two boys are struggling with each other.
The thief struggled to escape(逃跑), but failed.
After a long struggle, she gained control of the business.
a power struggle 权利斗争 the class struggle 阶级斗争
1. In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle _____ freedom after many years’fighting _____ slave owners.
A. against; with B. for, with C. with, for D. with, against
2. Beaten down on the ground, he _______ to his feet and held up his head ,________ at his enemy.
A. raised, stared B. struggled, staring C. fought, staring D. tried, stared
3. Fish _____ survival when the water level drops in the lake.
A. fight for B. struggle for C. fight against D. struggle against
2. disability (P18 Line4) n. 残疾,无能,无力
people with disability/disabilities 残疾人
Lacking experience is a severe disability for her.
disabled adj. 残疾的
a disabled child in a wheelchair
the disabled 残疾人
The disabled are well looked after in the country.
be able to do
enable sb to do
The pass enables me to travel half-price on trains.
A rabbit’s large ears enable it to hear the slightest sound.
1. They showed great _____ when they found out about their baby’s ________.
A. pride, disabled B. optimism, disabled C. courage, disability D. sympathy, disability
2. The fire spread quickly but everyone _______ get out of the hotel.
A. had to B. was able to C. enabled D. could
3. in hospital (P18 Line16) 生病住院/ in bed卧床/ at school在学校/ go to town进城/in town在 城里/in prison/ go to school/attend school去上学/go to church去做礼拜
in the hospital 在医院参观/工作
4. junior (P18 Line25) 地位或身份低的 (通常无比较级)
be junior to sb
He is several years junior to Mr. Cooper.
用于父子同名时,指儿子在姓名之后用Jur/ Jr/ Jun
如:Sammy Davies Jr 小萨米•戴维斯
be senior to 比某人年长
He is 10 years senior to me. 他比我大十岁.=He is ten years older than me.
He is senior to me, since he joined the firm before me.
子女和父母同名时,用于父母名字后 John Brown Senior 老约翰•布朗
5. describe(P18 Line28)
describe sb/sth to sb 描绘,描写
+ 从句
The police asked the witnesses to describe the two suspects.
It’s difficult to describe how I feel.
describe…as 把…称为,描绘为,形容为…
She is described as an angel.
Don’t describe him as hard and cruel.
description n. 描绘 beyond description 难以形容
6. devote
oneself 自己
one’s life 生命
devote one’s time to sth/ doing sth 向某人/某事奉献了 时间 等
one’s energy 精力
one’s money 金钱
The doctor is determined to devote his whole life to _researching_(研究)Aids virus.
He devotes all his efforts to the task.
devoted adj. 热爱的,忠实的,全心全意的
a devoted son/ friend/ supporter
Her son, to whom she was so devoted, went abroad 10 years ago.
Devoted (深爱) to their children, the parents work day and night for their education.
Madam Curie was devoted to the study of science.
devotion n. one’s children 对子女深爱
the Party 对党忠诚
devotion to one’s task 全心全意的工作
duty 忠于职守
7. rush vi. (P19Line36) 冲,匆忙的做某事
rush/dash out of… rush sb/sth to sp将某人急送某地
rush sb into doing sth 催促某人做某事: urge sb to do/into doing sth
The children rushed/dashed out of the school. 孩子们冲出学校.
People rushed to buy the shares. 人们抢着买股份.
Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital. 救护车将伤者火速送往医院.
Relief supplies were rushed in. 救济品已急速送到.
I’m not going to be rushed into anything.
a rush of excitement/happiness/pain…. 一阵激动/幸福/疼痛
make a rush for 冲向… the rush hour 交通高峰期
8. cheer n. (P19 Line42) 欢呼,喝彩,高兴,振奋
reply with cheers 报以喝彩声 burst into cheers/burst out cheering 突然欢呼起来
She accepted the gift with good cheers. 她欣然接受了那份礼物.
Cheers! 干杯(喝一点)Bottoms up! 干到底.
vi. 欢呼,喝彩,使…振奋
He cheered me up when I was in trouble.我有困难时,他使我振作起来.
. cheerful adj. 快乐的,使人振奋的
a cheerful smile 快乐的微笑 cheerful news 让人高兴的消息
cheerful colors 悦目的色彩 a cheerful room 使人感到愉快的房间
--- I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
---____! I’m sure you’ll make it.
A. Go ahead B. Gook luck C. No problem D. Cheer up
9. spirit (P19 Line43) 精神,心灵
He is troubled in spirit. 他内心苦恼.
in poor/ low spirits 心情低落,精神不振 in high spirits 情绪高昂
10. inspire (P19 Line63) 激励,鼓舞
inspire sb to do sth
The speech inspired the players to achieve greater success.
inspire 原义表示“ 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作,绘画,作曲等)”
inspired adj. 有创造力的,有雄心壮志的,得到灵感的,常修饰人
e.g an inspired poet 有创造力的诗人
inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的, 使人感兴趣的
a book on an inspiring subject 一本题材令人感兴趣的书
without inspiration 毫无灵感
I sat down to write an essay (文章),but found I was completely without inspiration.
The club _____ the football player _____ a large amount of money.
A. provided; in B. inspired; with C. offered; with D. encouraged; in
10. admire v. (P19 Line64)钦佩 → admirable adj. 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得羡慕的
admiration . n . 钦佩,羡慕,赞美
admire sb for sth 因…而羡慕,赞美,钦佩某人
They admire our neat garden.
I admire him for his courage in reform.
an admirable performance 优美的表演
Her handling of the crisis fills me with admiration.
I have great admiration for his courage.
11. sympathy n. (P21) 同情心 (不可数)
show/feel great sympathy for sb
She has never showed any sympathy for the poor.
Out of sympathy for the homeless child, she gave him shelter for the night.
sympathize vi. sympathize with sb/sth 同情,支持
12. relate (P22) vt. “讲述,叙述”
He related his trouble to his teacher and asked for his advice.
vi. 涉及,关系到,与…有关 relate to
To what events did your remarks relate? 你的话指的是什么?
be related to 与… 有关 relating to 关于
relations 关系,联系,亲戚 relative n./ adj. 亲戚,相对的,相关的
relationship n. 关系
We’ll discuss the paragraph relating to(涉及) the October Revolution.
This plant is said to be related to that one. 据说这种植物与那种植物同属一类.
13. arrange vt,/vi 安排
①arrange sth 安排… 整理好…
She arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday.
②arrange for sb/sth to do sth 使某人或某物做某事
③arrange with sb about sth/to do sth 与某人约定,商定
I’ve arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats.
I arranged with my parents to borrow some money.
1. Steve is such an efficient boy that he can ______ more in a day than any other boy in his class.
A. accomplish B. arrange C. adapt D. allocate
2. Miss LI said that she’d _______ a car to pick up the guests from Japan at the airport.
A. agreed B. arranged for C. intended for D. allowed
15. adequate adj. 足够的,充分的abundant, rich
adequate time / money
be adequate for/to sth
Their earnings are adequate for their needs.
adequately adv. adequacy n.
16.quit v. (quitted, quitted)停止,推出abandon, give up, leave off
quit sth I heard that he had quitted his job_.我听说他辞去了工作.
quit doing You should quit making fun of people on these occasions.你不要在这种场合捉弄别人
adj. 摆脱,了结 be quit of sth
She is glad to be quit of him.她为摆脱他而高兴.
Though he is ill, he has not quit _______.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoked D. smoking
17. encouragement n. 鼓励,激励,支持
encourage v.鼓励,鼓舞
encourage sb to do sth
encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的,
encouraged adj.受到鼓舞的
The teacher’s words were a great encouragement to him.教师的话对他是极大的鼓舞.
His friends encouraged him to lose weight.他朋友鼓励他减肥.
He felt encouraged by the progress he’d made.他因取得成绩而欢欣鼓舞.
We were encouraged by the encouraging news.我们对这个令人鼓舞的消息所鼓励.
18. ahead of…在…之前,领先,其前面可用well,far,等修饰
ahead of time 提前
He is well ahead of me in maths.她的数学比我好得多.
His education theory was far ahead of times.他的教育理念远远走在时代前面.
There were six other people ahead of him in the waiting room.在等候室里,他前面还有六个人.
19. accomplishment n.完成,成功
accomplish v. 完成,实现
celebrate your accomplishment 庆祝你的成功
accomplish one’s aim/task 达到目的,完成任务
He is a man who will never accomplish.他是一个永远一事无成的人.
14. guarantee vt. 保证,保障
guarantee sth
There is no doubt that our government can guarantee our basic human rights.
We guarantee to look into the case at once.我们保证马上调查此案.
n. 保证,保单,抵押品
a guarantee of quality质量的保证 under guarantee 在保修期内.
I offer my house as a guarantee.我拿房子作抵押.
The salesgirl ___ the TV set for at least ten years,but it went wrong only one year after we bought it.
A. ensure B. guaranteed C. protected D. promised
15. assist vt. –help 帮助
assist sb to do sth
assist sb with sth/ in doing sth
Good books will assist you to get more knowledge.好书会帮助你获得更多知识.
He assisted me with good ideas and encouragement.他帮助我出好主意并加以鼓励.
The police will assist you in finding your daughter’s address.警察会帮你找到你女儿的地址的.
用assist, help, aid填空
(1)They aided the people in the floored area with money.
(2)Would ten dollars help you out?
(3)I did my best to comfort her, but it didn’t seem to help.
(4)I was employed to assist the manager with his duties.
17. company n. 陪伴
I enjoy his company.我喜欢他的陪伴.
for company 做伴,一起 in company 当着别人的面 in company with sb 和某人一起
I hate going out alone, so I take my daughter for company.我不喜欢单独出去,所以带女儿做伴.
It’s bad manners to whisper in company.当着别人的面窃窃私语是不礼貌的.
I, in company with many others, feel this decision was wrong.
keep sb company 陪伴某人
accompany vt. 陪伴,带有
The text is accompanied by illustration.正文附有插图.
---- I must leave?
---- Why don’t you stay here and ________?
A. keep little Mary company B. keep company with little Mary
C. company little Mary D. company with little Mary
18. I knew I wanted to go for it.(P23L2)
go for 争取,试图得到,选择;袭击;喜爱;适用于
John is going for his second gold medal.约翰正在争取他的第二块金牌.
It sounds a great idea . Go for it! 这听起来是个好主意.努力实现吧.
What he said about you goes for me too. 他关于你的一席话对我也适用.
19. . feel caught 左右为难(P26L2)
I felt caught between going on studying and work when I graduated.
My bike was caught between two buses.我的自行车夹在了两辆公共汽车之间.
He got caught in a rainstorm on the way home.在回家的路上他遇到了暴风雨.
20. No one will be sad because humans will have learned to fix many of the problems that affect us now.(P31L38)
fix ①此处为“解决”“处理”
It’s not late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short.
Have you fixed a place for the meeting?你确定了开会的地点没有?
Don’t fix all the blame on other people.不要将一切错误都归罪于别人.
We fixed on you to break the news to him.我们决定由你去把这个消息告诉他.
③fix sth on sb 注视,吸引
With his eyes fixed on me, I felt nervous.由于他的眼睛直盯着我,我很紧张.
IV.Sentence patterns
1. make sb/sth + adj (P17)
He has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.
make 后面还可以跟名词/do/done 及介词短语作宾语补足语
Bush was made President of the USA again in 2004.
: He made him captain of the football team.(队长)
We don’t need to make him learn.
The waste put into the river makes the river polluted. (污染)
He was made at a loss at the question.(困惑)
1.You can’t imagine the trouble I had ________ when I first came to China.
A. make myself understand B. making myself understand
C. make myself understood D. making myself understood
2.Pleasant as they made it ______, we felt tired after the long journey.
A. travel B. traveling C. traveled D. to travel
2. Whichever way I look at it, I’ll never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.(P26 17)
①any that
Take whichever seat you like.坐你喜欢的位子.
②no matter which
It has the same result, whichever way you do it.无论你用哪种方法做,结果都是一样的.
1._________ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.
A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever
2.__________ much difficulty we may meet with, we will finish the work in time.
A. However B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Though
3. All I had to do was go to school.(P30L11)
All I had to do was enjoy my adolescene_.我要做的就是享受我的青少年生活.
What I want to do is return the books to the library.我想做的是把书还给图书馆.
但All I wanted was to help him. (帮助)
The last thing ____ is _____ all the papers and lock the door.
A. to do;put away B. being done;put down C. to be done;to put up D. to do;to put throught
我除了等待别无他法.I can do nothing but wait.
I can’t choose but wait. / I have no choice but to wait. /I can’t help but wait.
4. by the time
by the time引导时间状语从句符合以下规律:
主句 从句
will have done do/does
had done did
By the time we arrived yesterday, the film star had left.我们到达时,电影明星已走了.
By the time we arrive, the film star will have left.
By the time the meeting was over, it was announced that an agreement ________.
A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached