阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7 daughters,and each daughters has1 brother.how many people are there in the family?2.the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 00:43:50

阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7 daughters,and each daughters has1 brother.how many people are there in the family?2.the
阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7
1.a mother and father have 7 daughters,and each daughters has1 brother.how many people are there in the family?
2.there are three whole numbers.when they are multiplied together,give the same answer they are added.what are they?

阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7 daughters,and each daughters has1 brother.how many people are there in the family?2.the
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阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7阅读句子并计算,将英语答案写在横线上.1.a mother and father have 7 daughters,and each daughters has1 brother.how many people are there in the family?2.the 第四题.阅读短文,将正确答案写在横线上. 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在提前的括号内,并将正确答案写在横线上. 修改病句,将后的句子写在横线上, 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在题前的括号里,并将正确答案写在横线上 三,将所给的问句与答句配对,将答案写在横线上,并翻译句子.1、Will this plant grow? A Yes,they will.2、What will happen? B.It needs water,soil and light.3、Will the robots clean the lamps? C No,there won 选择句子,将对话补充完整,将字母编号写在相应的横线上. 《热爱的力量》阅读题答案3.从文中找出具体描写“热爱篮球”的句子,写在下面的横线上.5.(1)乔丹是( )国( )队的篮球运动员.(2)乔丹享有( )的美誉,并五次获得( )的称号. 五、生活小常识:你知道ATM柜员机取钱的步骤吗?试试看,能否按正确的顺序排列下面的句子,并将编号写在横线上. 找出下面句子当中的错误,将其序号写在括号中,并将该证后的正确答案写在横线上.A:The apple is B:nice.And l like C:apple D:a lot. 找出下面句子当中的错误,将其序号写在括号中,并将该证后的正确答案写在横线上.A:The bus B:takes .him C:to home D:at around 8:30. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,将字母编号写在横线上. 改错,将正确的句子写在横线上there are a forest in the nature park. you can find out about chinasa books on this library?___ ____ __ A B C _____________________改错,将错误的一项写在括号内,并将正确的答案写在右的横线上 下列句子中有一处错误,请找出来,并把正确的答案写在横线上. 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在提前的括号内,并将正确答案写在横线. 下面的句子中每句有一处错误,请你用横线画出错误处并将改正后的答案写在横线上.1.Who run faster than you in your class? 2.I often go jog after school. 3.Let's visit Ming Tombs together. 4.My all friends came to my birth 六年级英语下(先把题给复制,再把答案写在括号内)(—)改错,指出下面句子中的一处错误,写在题后的括号里,并改正在后面的横线上.1.He is tallest than I.( )__________2.She is a little youngest than she