
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:23:06


You're right doesn't necessarily mean I was wrong
It is useless trying to argue with Sherlock
 I shall never forget seeing the famous writer
When my father was young he dream of becoming a scientist,is good at all subjects
When he saw the number of village doctors continue to increase,he was determined to be devoted his life to patients
Yuan Longping to give knowledge to other people are interested in,playing mahjong is one of his hobbies
Yuan Longping seldom think of to live a comfortable life,never afraid of poor
I really regret missing the report


1、That you are right doesn't mean I'm wrong.
2、There's no use argueing with Sherlock.
3、I would never forget that famous author I met.
4、My father dreamt about being a scientist when he wa...


1、That you are right doesn't mean I'm wrong.
2、There's no use argueing with Sherlock.
3、I would never forget that famous author I met.
4、My father dreamt about being a scientist when he was young, so he got great grades in every subject.
5、He decides to devote his life saving people when he see number of country doctors keeps rising.
6、Yuan Longping is very interested in spreading knowledge to other people, one of whose hobby is playing Majiang.
7、Yuan Longping seldom thinks about having a comfortable life, and is never afraid of getting poor.
8、I regret a alot of not being able to catch that report meeting.


  1. Your exactness does not mean my fault.

  2. There is no point arguing with Shylock.

  3. I will never forget the writer who I have met before.

  4. M...


    1. Your exactness does not mean my fault.

    2. There is no point arguing with Shylock.

    3. I will never forget the writer who I have met before.

    4. My father dreamed of becoming a scientist when he was young, so he is doing very well in each course.

    5. When he found there were more and more rural doctor ,he determined to be a dotor.

    6. Yuan Longping pursues spreading knowledge as a hobby, playing Mahjong is also his hobby.

    7. Yuan Longping  seldom think about living a comfortable life, never feared of poverty.

    8. How I regretted   I have  missed the lecture.



英语翻译1,你正确未必就意味着我错了2,和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的3,我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家4,我父亲年轻时梦想成为科学家,各门功课都学得很好5,当他看到乡下医生的数量继 当然,我道一声“祝你幸福”,别人未必就能幸福;我道一声“祝你健康”,别人未必 英语翻译“我不左右他人,只是防止了你作弊.我让他们凭良心投票,所以那就意味着 你输了.”翻译成英文,最好是电影里的原话. 给我几句名言随便什么1没有比你刚好没赶上的汽车开得更快的车了2贫困意味着你缺很多东西,而贪婪意味着你什么都缺 英语翻译1、我不用你爱我.2、我爱你就可以了. 我道一声“祝你幸福”,别人未必就能幸福;我道一声“祝你健康”,别人未必就能健康;仿写句子.快点😢😢😢! 英语翻译一定要正确的啊~不然我就挂了 英语翻译“我服了你”,要正确的啊 英语翻译 意味着我的一切 “我道一声祝你幸福,别人未必就能幸福”这句话的意思是 英语翻译1、我们真的长大了.2、你是我的英雄.3、你是我甜蜜的梦想.以上三句,求正确英文翻译. 英语翻译1、我们真的长大了.2、你是我的英雄.3、你是我甜蜜的梦想.以上三句,求正确英文翻译. 英语翻译西方社会的女人就是这么的水性杨花.今天跟你结婚,可能明天就去偷汉子了.就算你用钱币盖一间牢房试图留住她的人,她的心也未必归根究底属于你. 英语翻译汉翻译英语!1我仍然记得我住在那个宁静村庄里的日子.2赶不上这趟火车就意味着还要在等两个小时.3另外,你需要知道该呆多久,该在什么时候离开.4我非常幸运的拥有一个幸福的童年 英语翻译错误的商品,你不用寄回来了,就做为给你免费的礼物吧.我将会重新邮寄一个正确的商品,希望你能满意. these words 意味着你错了 .怎么翻译成英文? These words ________________(意味着你错了). 祝福永远是美好的文中说我道一声祝你幸福别人未必就能幸福将未必换成并不 是不是可以 为什么?