正确使用be动词补全文章There_____nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _____English .His name_____ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls _____ Americans.They ____twins.Their names_____Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They ___

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 03:26:29

正确使用be动词补全文章There_____nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _____English .His name_____ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls _____ Americans.They ____twins.Their names_____Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They ___
There_____nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _____English .His name_____ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls _____ Americans.They ____twins.Their names_____Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They _____my friends.All the other .boys and girls_____Chinese .We all like the English boy and the American girls .They like us too,

正确使用be动词补全文章There_____nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _____English .His name_____ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls _____ Americans.They ____twins.Their names_____Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They ___
There__are___nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _is____English .His name___is__ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls ___are__ Americans.They _are___twins.Their names___are__Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They __are___my friends.All the other .boys and girls___are__Chinese .We all like the English boy and the American girls .They like us too,

are ,are, is, are , are, are, are, are
只有his name 是单数的


are is si are are are are are 很负责人的告诉你,第二个一定是is

正确使用be动词补全文章There_____nineteen boys and seventeen girls in our class.One of the boys _____English .His name_____ Sam.He is thireen.Two of girls _____ Americans.They ____twins.Their names_____Lucy and Lily.They are twelve .They ___ 使用be动词 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空 -XiaoMing,there___(be)some mistakes in your maths exercises.___(correct) them berore they __(hand)in.-All right.They___(correct) before they ___(see) by the teacher. There___(be)a match tomorrow. 英语补全对话,先看文章 选择正确的句子补全对话. 选择正确的选项补全对话 选出正确的选项补全对话 There___(be not)any milk in the bottle用所给动词的适当形式填空如题 什么事Be动词正确形式 用介词或be动词填空,补全句子.by be with about for to 1.Heien has been learning English____3years there___(be)some bread,two apples. 用所给动词正确形式填空(希望帮忙分析一下) 1.Once he___(be)a shop assistant.2.I___(come)to school at seven yesterday.3.I___(get)up at half past six this morning.4.Jim___(help)an old man carry his bag just now.5.There___(be)a king m 用be动词的正确形式1.Her first house____not big,it__very small.2.My father____busy yesterday,but my monther____not.6.Where___you at eight?____you at home? NO,I____.I____ai the cinema.7.It____a fine dat today.But tomroow it____rainy.8.There___ 英语救急啊!用be动词的正确形式补全句子1.l_____happy to hear that you will come to Chian.2.Both Tim and Jack_____middle school students.3.Friday______my favourite day in a week4.Niuniu________my little sister and she loves smiling5.Loo 补全对联 上联:一代文章推 ;毕生心血似 . 补全对联:一代文章推------,毕生心血似------- 用be的正确形式填空There___(be)a tree,a river and many flowers on the picture.填is还是was 为什么?