帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可.Competition or CooperationCompetition or Cooperation1.State your point of view about which one is more important2.Give some reasons to support your point3.Summarize your points and make a conclusion帮忙

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:28:37

帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可.Competition or CooperationCompetition or Cooperation1.State your point of view about which one is more important2.Give some reasons to support your point3.Summarize your points and make a conclusion帮忙
帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可.Competition or Cooperation
Competition or Cooperation
1.State your point of view about which one is more important
2.Give some reasons to support your point
3.Summarize your points and make a conclusion

帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可.Competition or CooperationCompetition or Cooperation1.State your point of view about which one is more important2.Give some reasons to support your point3.Summarize your points and make a conclusion帮忙
Competition or Cooperation
In my opinion,cooperation is more important than competition because in order to succeed in life,we need to learn how to cooperate with others.No one can succeed alone,and we often find ourselves in situations requiring the help of others.Cooperation is the key to success,and this vital element bypasses the importance of competition.Competition can motivate people to excel,but without cooperation,people can never reach the top.The world does not revolve around one person,and there was not an achievement in history that was due to only the work of one person.Thus,the importance of cooperation can be seen,and it clearly matters more than competition.
113 个字
Competition or Cooperation
I believe that competition is more important than cooperation because competition is what motivates and drives us to succeed in life.Without competition,there would be no compelling force pushing us to try harder and show the world our very best abilities.Cooperation is a part of competition,but it is in no way more important.There are many studies that show how people work best when there is competition and an incentive to win.Competition helps us define our goals and to lock our eyes on them.In the end,competition matters more than cooperation because without something or someone to compete against,no success would ever be achieved no matter how cooperative people are.
116 个字
第一篇作文里我选的是 Cooperation.
第二篇作文里我选的是 Competition.




帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可.Competition or CooperationCompetition or Cooperation1.State your point of view about which one is more important2.Give some reasons to support your point3.Summarize your points and make a conclusion帮忙 帮忙写篇宋词入文,谢谢80字即可, 帮忙写篇宋词入文,谢谢80字即可, 小作文:悲观与乐观要求(100)字即可 小作文:善与恶要求(100)字即可 求大神帮忙写一篇关于食品安全,如牛肉膏或者染色馒头的等问题看法的英文作文,100字左右即可. 谁能帮忙写一偏作文!假如我是一名毕业生 150 到200字之间 汉字即可 加翻译成英文 帮忙写一篇英文作文, 求《阿甘正传》的英文观后感100字左右即可,要求全英文,不要百度翻译翻译过来的,需要现写, 帮忙写一篇英语作文,内容要求如下第五篇, 麻烦帮忙写一篇 英文作文 要求:新年得开心事 (切记符合实际啊 写老师作文的一个例子,100字即可. 英语达人帮忙写篇作文Is high degree equal to high ability 要求100字 英语达人帮忙写篇作文Mobile phone on campus 要求100字左右 帮忙写个英语作文~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3Q啦各位大虾帮忙写个英语作文~~~100--150字即可 My View on Dissatisfaction I am in favor of this statement.______________________________________________________________________________________ 求描写人物作文一篇~主要写神态、动作要求一个事例200字即可不是作文是片段 英文达人帮忙做啊..求达人来帮忙写1篇英语的文章 题目: 用英文介绍佛山 要求1.字数限制100字 2.要以初一的水平写 帮忙按要求写一个英语作文