terra nova 演员表 请问谁有?中英文的都可以.

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terra nova 演员表 请问谁有?中英文的都可以.
terra nova 演员表 请问谁有?中英文的都可以.

terra nova 演员表 请问谁有?中英文的都可以.
Jason O'Mara as James "Jim" Shannon,former Chicago Police narcotics detective and devoted father with a complicated past.[29] He is sentenced to six years in prison after assaulting a Population Control officer after it is discovered that he and his wife broke the law by having a third child.Two years later,his wife Elisabeth helps him escape and Jim successfully makes it into Terra Nova with his family.After saving Commander Nathaniel Taylor's life,Jim joins Taylor's security team.
Shelley Conn as Dr.Elisabeth Shannon,a trauma surgeon who has been recruited for Terra Nova.She is married to Jim and mother to their three children.She helps Jim escape prison so he can accompany the family to Terra Nova.
Christine Adams as Mira,leader of the Sixers,a rebel group that opposes Terra Nova.They are called Sixers because they arrived as part of the sixth pilgrimage.In "The Runaway",the Sixers demonstrate that they are not "all bad." Mira says in that episode that she has a daughter in 2149 named Sienna,who was only four when Mira left,and that all she wants is to make sure that she would be able to see her daughter again.However,this doesn't stop her from using a young girl roughly her daughter's age as a spy to steal from Terra Nova by threatening to kill her brother.
Allison Miller as Skye Alexandria Tate,a veteran resident of Terra Nova from the fifth pilgrimage and a friend to Josh.Her parents reportedly died three years before the Shannons arrive,and was adopted afterwards by Commander Taylor.She is later revealed to be a Sixer mole,though she was acting in that capacity to keep her mother alive in a Sixer camp; they have the only cure for the virus that killed her father and infected her mother,and they give her the medicine in exchange so long as Skye does what they say.
Landon Liboiron as Josh Shannon,Jim and Elisabeth's 17-year-old son.He is reluctant to leave his girlfriend behind.He is at first rebellious towards his father,and he resents his father for having assaulted a police officer,resulting in his being imprisoned,but they eventually reconcile.In the first part of the season finally,when Josh gets into a violent fist fight with an entosticated Lucas Taylor to defend Skye,Jim rushes to help him but they end up getting in costody,and while held up together,Josh has a conversation with his father about what had happened when he'd gotten arrested,as he reliezes that the only reason why Jim did that was to defend Zoe,as he'd done for him.Also in the first part of the last episode of the first season,Josh's girlfriend,Kara,gets killed,he starts grieving over it and Jim comforts him.The season finally shows how Josh and Jim are becoming closer to each other.
Naomi Scott as Maddy Shannon,Jim and Elisabeth's 16-year-old daughter.An extemely intelligent teenager.[29] She develops an attraction for Mark Reynolds,a soldier on Terra Nova's security detail.The two later share a kiss on their first date together.She also reveals that at her old school,kids cheated off her homework and tests,didn't even know half the time who she was,and left her as an outcast.[30] Maddy cares about Reynolds; in "Vs." where the soldier is injured by the Sixers and she rushes over and kisses and fusses over him.
Rod Hallett as Dr.Malcolm Wallace,who recruited Elisabeth for Terra Nova.The two were romantically involved before she met Jim,and he sought to bring her to Terra Nova,back when he thought she would leave her husband behind in 2149.
Alana Mansour as Zoe Shannon,the five-year-old daughter of Jim and Elisabeth Shannon.All families in 2149 are restricted to no more than two children.Zoe was kept hidden until Population Control officers raided the Shannon residence and arrested Jim.
Stephen Lang as Commander Nathaniel Taylor,a pioneer and leader of Terra Nova.The first person to arrive,Taylor survived the first four months (118 days) on his own,then began building a community as new settlers came through; he has been the leader for seven years.When Skye's parents died,he became her legal guardian and father figure to her.Taylor has a son named Lucas,who has abandoned Terra Nova and is working with the renegade Sixers.Lucas blames Taylor for his mothers death which Taylor was unable to prevent,Taylor ashamed of his sons betrayal has told everybody that his son has gone missing.In early development,Nathaniel Taylor was named Frank Taylor.
Recurring cast
Caroline Brazier as Deborah Tate,Skye's mother who was infected by Sincyllic Fever and was in the custody of the Sixers.Skye had to do what they say in order to guarantee Deborah's survival.She and the medicine that was used on her were extracted from the Sixers' camp by Tim Curran.She now currently lives in Terra Nova with her daughter.
Emelia Burns as Reilly,one of Taylor's soldiers.
Damien Garvey as Tom Boylan,a bar owner who sometimes trades with the Sixers.He is shown to cause problems at times which often angers Taylor and can also be quite difficult,especially with Josh when he starts working at the bar.He was once a soldier and a friend of Taylor's.
Dean Geyer as Private (later Corporal) Mark Reynolds,a soldier and Maddy's love interest.They start dating in "Night Fall" and kiss when Maddy asks him to because she is dying to know what it feels like.Mark finds Maddy interesting and despite the fact he's a bit older than her,the two love each other deeply and care for one another.In the episode "Now You See Me" he told Jim that he would someday like to make Maddy his wife (he said he'd wait till she was older).In a later episode,Mark starts teasing Maddy playfully over the fact that she hasn't done any homework in twenty-four hours,showing that even though he loves Maddy,he loves messing around with her too.
Simone Kessell as Lieutenant Alicia "Wash" Washington,the second-in-command to Nathaniel Taylor.[36] She is later killed by Lucas in the first season finale.
Sam Parsonson as Hunter Boyce,a teen who went outside the gates and was injured.Hunter also had a Taroca Parasite and is in love with Skye.
Robert Preston as Drake,a member of the Sixers.
Jay Ryan as Curran,a member of Terra Nova's security team who was banished from Terra Nova for killing another security officer who owed him money.After saving Curran from the local fauna,Taylor offers Tim an opportunity to be readmitted into Terra Nova if he can find the Sixers' mole.He does succeed in getting back into Terra Nova after getting Deborah Tate and the medicine the Sixers were giving her out of the Sixers' camp.
Damian Walshe-Howling as Carter,a member of the Sixers and one of Mira's men who attempted to kill Taylor and was briefly held prisoner.
Ashley Zukerman as Lucas,Taylor's son who is against his father and Terra Nova as he has been hired by his father's superiors to program the time portal to go both ways (back to the future) so that they may seize control of Terra Nova,strip the land of its resources,and control the future.He is shown as brilliant yet mentally unstable and ruthless as seen when threatening to throw Skye's ill mother out of the Sixers camp and let her fall to the ground below and die.It has been revealed that he has resented his father ever since his mother died because Taylor could not save her.He is shot by Skye after he stabs his father,but escapes in "Resistance".

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