帮我看看这句话该怎么改 或者直接告诉我英语要怎么说我想说我怀疑你有没有观察过中国人是怎样去救地政灾民的.anonybabe I doubt that you have obvious chinese how to saved earthquake victims...obvious 好象

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 23:42:55

帮我看看这句话该怎么改 或者直接告诉我英语要怎么说我想说我怀疑你有没有观察过中国人是怎样去救地政灾民的.anonybabe I doubt that you have obvious chinese how to saved earthquake victims...obvious 好象
帮我看看这句话该怎么改 或者直接告诉我英语要怎么说
I doubt that you have obvious chinese how to saved earthquake victims...
obvious 好象我打错了.

帮我看看这句话该怎么改 或者直接告诉我英语要怎么说我想说我怀疑你有没有观察过中国人是怎样去救地政灾民的.anonybabe I doubt that you have obvious chinese how to saved earthquake victims...obvious 好象
I doubt that you didn’t observe Chinese how to save earthquake victims...

I doubt whether you have observed how the Chinese people saved earthquake victims.

帮我看看这句话该怎么改 或者直接告诉我英语要怎么说我想说我怀疑你有没有观察过中国人是怎样去救地政灾民的.anonybabe I doubt that you have obvious chinese how to saved earthquake victims...obvious 好象 帮我看看选择题有没有做错的…如果有、告诉我该怎么做? 外贸英语高手帮我看看这句话该怎么改啊?“我们根据你要求的包装类型向你提供产品.”we can offer the products in whatever kind of packages as you tell us. 来个人帮我看看这句话的语法不规范在哪里 该怎么改呗 At present,there is a phenomenon in society that some universities invite stars as visiting professors to make speech to their students. 大家帮我看看这题该怎么做? 帮我看看,该怎么写? 这句话该怎么改 帮我看看这句话有没有语病吧 Currently,it is a heated topic whether people prefer doing same things or not.如果有的话,怎么改? 修改病句怎么改,请帮我看看! 帮我看看这句话有无语病 谁帮我看看这句话是什么 家里长很多这样的虫子,请大家帮我看看这是什么虫子?有谁知道的话,请告诉我该怎么消除它们, 请帮我看看这句话错在哪 In my opinion,I think students should not date as it can affect their studies.不需要改这个句子的句式 就请告诉我原句中错误的地方就好了谢谢 帮我修改这篇英语作文帮我看看我的这篇文章哪些地方有错误,语法错误什么都帮我改过来,或者有更好的写法也告诉我~weird dreamI had Two dreams yesterday.one is about my grandfather,the other one is about my gr 大家进来看看这句话对么.如果错了,该怎么改i wonder what my future would be like 帮我看看这句话 有语病吗 有的话 该如何改this article,written for men who are non-smokers from this country,analyses.中间的written for men who are non-smokers from this country,这个 帮我看看这个该写什么,怎么写 请大家帮我看看这句英语语法对不对吧!it's not only a wonderful journey to go,but also an good experience to have for them.(如果不对请告诉我应该怎么改!)