马上要有个英文演讲比赛 还请各位大虾帮忙找一篇原创转载都行的英语2分钟短文(要符合我初中一年级学力的)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 20:14:43

马上要有个英文演讲比赛 还请各位大虾帮忙找一篇原创转载都行的英语2分钟短文(要符合我初中一年级学力的)
马上要有个英文演讲比赛 还请各位大虾帮忙找一篇原创转载都行的英语2分钟短文(要符合我初中一年级学力的)

马上要有个英文演讲比赛 还请各位大虾帮忙找一篇原创转载都行的英语2分钟短文(要符合我初中一年级学力的)
my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.When I was a child,I wanted to be a teacher.My father was a teacher,and he taught me a lot.I worshiped him very much.On my tenth birthday,he asked me,“What do you want to be when you grow up?”I answered proudly,“I want to be a teacher like you!”On hearing this,my father was very happy and said to me,“Work hard and your dream will come true.” Not long ago,one of my primary school teachers was ill.She wanted me to take her place for two weeks.I was glad but nervous.My father said to me,“This is a good chance.Seize it!I wish you success!” When I came into the classroom,the children were very happy.I introduced myself to them.Soon,I got on well with them.They all liked me and I loved them.With my father and headmaster's help,I did the work very well.Now,I often miss those lovely children.That experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future.From:http://www.hxen.com/englishstudy/yingyuyanjianggao/2009-05-18/77146.html

马上要有个英文演讲比赛 还请各位大虾帮忙找一篇原创转载都行的英语2分钟短文(要符合我初中一年级学力的) glass litter 各位大虾还请帮忙翻译下center of gravity,belt litter,glass rail, 演讲比赛主持词,以爱公司为主题6月8号,公司里演讲比赛,我做主持,主题是我爱公司,请各位有帮忙给个演讲比赛主持词,不声感激 英语翻译请各位大虾帮忙翻译一下《相思》,需要汉译英. 请各位大虾帮忙解决一道物理学题目 成语补充:( )行( )是!请各位大虾帮忙哈~~ 英语翻译那首歌好像叫《Make Them Suffer》小弟英文不太好,还请各位大虾费费心. 请各位大虾们帮忙取个以X开头的英文名.姓许.女孩子的哦. 请各位帮忙解决这道题!要有过程 Love makes the world around!还请各位大虾了! 各路大虾,请帮我找个有关城市固体废弃物处理方面的英文论文,要有期刊号的 高一英语句型转换练习题难度越高越好.有高二的再好不过了.请各位大虾们帮忙查一查.一定要有答案的, 请各位帮忙起个一个英文名,要有安的谐音, Proteus ISIS我想下个这种软件请大虾帮忙 请各为大虾帮忙做一份英语时态表就是一些什么现在完成时,过去进行时等等.要有中文的意思,和英文的句型! 各位大虾请帮忙解一道数学题要有过程能让二年级的小朋友们听得懂谢了有252本笔记本,分装在4个大盒子和9个小盒子内,已知1个大盒子与3个小盒子装的本子数一样多.每个大盒子装多少本?每 2年零2个月的英文怎么拼写?英语上遇到这个问题 希望各位英语好的大虾帮忙搞定... 请各位英文达人帮忙给林航这个名字起个英文名字,