
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:51:46


The rebellion of HanXin is still controversial due to several points brought up by historians. Although "The Book of History"(史记)Shi1 Ji4 and "History of Han"(汉书) Han4 Shu1 both recorded that HanXin died for rebellion.
firstly, HanXin was recorded in both ShiJi and HanShu for lamenting the famous words :“狡兔死,走狗烹;禽鸟尽,良弓藏;敌国破,谋臣亡.” (The hound will be consumed upon the demise of the wily hare. The superior bow will be kept away upon the extermination of the flocks. The strategist shall be executed, once the enemy state is conquered) while in captivity in B.C. 201.
secondly. The person who reported HanXin allerged rebellion was the brother of someone whom HanXin was going to put to death. Even if HanXin were to rebel, that person would be the last person HanXin would share the information to.
thirdly.HanXin was already persuaded to rebel agaisnt Han Kingdom and ally with Chu Kingdom when he was based in Qi. Bearing in mind that during then, he had formidable military support. Why should he wait till he was in ChangAn and was wihtout any military power or backup?