我这句英文写的好么?有错误么?有需要改正的地方么I neither drink nor smoke,don't have sex and play no video games either.The purpose of my being such stoic is to hone myself in order to become stronger faster and smarter

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:49:16

我这句英文写的好么?有错误么?有需要改正的地方么I neither drink nor smoke,don't have sex and play no video games either.The purpose of my being such stoic is to hone myself in order to become stronger faster and smarter
I neither drink nor smoke,don't have sex and play no video games either.The purpose of my being such stoic is to hone myself in order to become stronger faster and smarter

我这句英文写的好么?有错误么?有需要改正的地方么I neither drink nor smoke,don't have sex and play no video games either.The purpose of my being such stoic is to hone myself in order to become stronger faster and smarter
I don't drink or smoke ,I'm a virgin and I don't fancy those video games neither,The reason why I being so decent is in order to become better faster and stronger.( better faster stronger 是从kanye west 的巅峰之作stronger 中引用的,这样的形容词顺序会增色不少.)


还是有一定问题的,一个句子只能有一个主语,第二句要在don't have sex之前加主语I,最后一句要有标点stronger、faster and smarter,个别表达有些Chinese English,最好修改下


我这句英文写的好么?有错误么?有需要改正的地方么I neither drink nor smoke,don't have sex and play no video games either.The purpose of my being such stoic is to hone myself in order to become stronger faster and smarter 改正有错误的 我这句英文写的对么?写的好么My feeling old has something to do with me not having had breakfast我想表达的意思是我感觉冷可能和我尚未吃早饭有关系 英语大神进.这是我写的一篇作文,有许多错误的地方,望指出并改正! [急求鉴定]这句英文有语法错误么I really want to say I could not forgive it yet. 如果有错误请帮忙在原句意不改变的前提下改正 谢谢w 我的英语不好,可能有错误,请见谅!这句英文怎么讲? 找出有错误的一项并改正. Leave me alone 这句英文有错误么 麻烦帮我修改一下这篇英文短文下面是我写的一篇短文,麻烦高人帮忙改一下.有语法错误的改正,有遣词不地道的改正,有别扭的句子改正,有我用中文写的帮着翻成英文.非常感谢~~The friend nomina 下面这句英文句子语法上有错误吗?求改正now I wanna tell u guys that I've got a english name it's “我说的这句英文有没有错误?”用英语怎么表达? I cover the distance in five minutes when I go to school.这句话有语病吗?有语病的话指出错误的地方并改正全句 using 的用法,用了using,还需要在finally里写dispose吗.具体解释下,我这样写罗嗦吗?有需要改正的地方吗 有这样的个人说明么,我急求好么,请复制出来给我,好么,相似的,可以么, 有没有语病?是的话,如何改正?这是我的一个网友在练习写英文诗歌中的一句,他给我看看说他写得怎么样,句子有没有问题,但我不懂,谁看得出来?Is easy love which comes,is not the true love! 这是我写的一段英文,有没有文法错误 和可以怎么改善呢?这是我写的一段英文,有没有文法错误 和可以怎么改善呢? she is your这句英文有错误吗 改正思想方面的缺点,错误.的词语有那些?