
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 21:03:12


你的朋友们会擦窗户吗?Can your friends clean the windows
父母周末经常去书店吗?Do your parents often go to the bookshop/ bookstore on weekend
是的,他们经常去书店看书.Yes,they do.They often go to bookshop to read books.
你爷爷奶奶正在浇花吗?Are your grandparents watering the flowers
不是,他们正在看电视.No,they aren't.They are watching TV.
电影院后面没有医院.There isn't a hospital behind the cinema.
你能在左边行走.Can you walk on the left

1. Do your friends know hoe to clean the windows?
2. Do your parents go to the bookstores often?
Yes, they often go to the bookstores to read books.
3. Are your grandparents watering the ...


1. Do your friends know hoe to clean the windows?
2. Do your parents go to the bookstores often?
Yes, they often go to the bookstores to read books.
3. Are your grandparents watering the flowers?
No, they are watching TV.
4. There isn't any hospitals behind the movie theatre.
5. You can (only) walk on the left.


Your parents weekend often go to the bookstore?
Yes, they often go to the bookstore reading.
Your grandpa's grandmother is watering the flowers?
No, they are watching TV.
No hospital behind the cinema.
You can walk on the left.

do your parents often go to bookstore at weekends?
yes, they often go there for reading.
are your grandparents watering flowers?
no, they are watching TV.
there is no hospital behind cinema
you can walk by the left.
can your friends clean windows?

Did your parents often go to the bookstore at the weekend?
Yes, they often go to the bookstore to read
Are your grandpa and grandmother watering the flowers?
No, they are watching TV


Did your parents often go to the bookstore at the weekend?
Yes, they often go to the bookstore to read
Are your grandpa and grandmother watering the flowers?
No, they are watching TV
There isn't a hospital behind the cinema
You can walk on the left.
你的朋友们会擦窗户吗? Do your friends clean the windows?


Can your friends clean the windows?
Do your parents often go to the bookstoreon weekends?
Yes, they often go to the bookstore reading books.
Are your grandfather and grandmother watering the flowers?
No, they are watching TV.
There isn't a hospital behind the cinema.
You can walk on the left.

英语翻译你父母周末经常去书店吗?是的,他们经常去书店看书.你爷爷奶奶正在浇花吗?不是,他们正在看电视.电影院后面没有医院.你能在左边行走.(全部都要英语翻译,好的我加90分,更好的我 英语翻译1.在夏天,韶关的气温总是很高不是吗?是的,但是在秋天很凉快.2.在周末,你弟弟经常去游泳对吗?不是的,他经常去爬山. 英语翻译你一般在周末做什么?我一般在周末锻炼是的,她正在做作业.他没有打扫教室你经常去游泳吗?没有,我只有周末去.不要说话,婴儿正在睡觉孩子们一直用铅笔写字你在看什么?我正在看 英语翻译:(八年级上)①你去野营愉快吗?愉快.②上个周末,你和家人在一起吗?是的.③前天有一场棒球赛吗?④她出生于1973年7月12日.⑤她十四岁时成了影星.⑥他要和父母去野营.⑦那听起来 英语翻译你将要在这个周末去远足吗?是的,我将要去/不是的,我不去.我将要去爬山.你会在周末踢足球吗?是的,我会/不是的,我通常会打篮球.你上个周末弹钢琴了吗?是的,我弹了/不是的,我没有 英语翻译 周末我们经常去徒步旅行. 汉译英:你周末打算做什么?这个周末我打算去看望我的外租父母.你今天下午打算去哪里?我打算去书店.你打算去买什么?我打算去买一本漫画书. 他父母经常周末看电视 翻译成英文 英语翻译Tom周末经常去看电影他喜欢喜剧片,但他不喜欢恐怖片你想去看动作片吗?我认为京剧很无聊 假如你是小明,周末去公园的时候遇到了一个外国朋友,他想去书店.你告诉了他去书店的路,...写篇英语作文 你舅舅每个周末都去钓鱼吗?(英语翻译) 上个周末你去公园了吗?英语翻译 麻烦大家 他每逢周末去放风筝(英语翻译) 他经常在周末去图书馆读书的英语怎么说? 他经常在周末去看喜剧用英语怎么说 汤么经常去英语书店.用英语翻译 英语翻译1.在周末我打算去看望外祖母2.放学后你打算干什么?3.他们打算乘地铁去书店.4.今天下午我们打算下棋.5.明天你打算去哪里?6.我昨天去钓鱼了.7.上周他买了一辆自行车.8.昨天晚上你在 你将要去旅行吗?是的,我是.用英语翻译