英语翻译去年他被指控偷钱.(accuse...of妈妈提醒我不要忘了我的诺言.(remind sb.of巧合的是,我的妻子是你的大学同学.(by coincidence当他到海边的时候,那艘船在他眼前消失但很快又出现了.(lose sight

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:13:41

英语翻译去年他被指控偷钱.(accuse...of妈妈提醒我不要忘了我的诺言.(remind sb.of巧合的是,我的妻子是你的大学同学.(by coincidence当他到海边的时候,那艘船在他眼前消失但很快又出现了.(lose sight
妈妈提醒我不要忘了我的诺言.(remind sb.of
巧合的是,我的妻子是你的大学同学.(by coincidence
当他到海边的时候,那艘船在他眼前消失但很快又出现了.(lose sight of
毫无疑问他将来一定会成功(therd is no doubt that

英语翻译去年他被指控偷钱.(accuse...of妈妈提醒我不要忘了我的诺言.(remind sb.of巧合的是,我的妻子是你的大学同学.(by coincidence当他到海边的时候,那艘船在他眼前消失但很快又出现了.(lose sight
Last year he was accused of stealing money.
Mom reminded me don't forget my promise
Coincidentally,my wife is your university students
When he came to the sea,the ship in his vanish,but soon appeared again
There is no doubt that he will be successful in the future

He had been accused of stealing money last year.
My mom reminded me of not forgeting my promise.
My wife is your university students by coincidence
When he came to the sea, he lost sight of the ship, but it soon appeared again
there is no doubt that he will be succeed some days.

He was accused of stealing money last year.
My mom reminded me of not forgeting my promise.
By coincidence, my wife is your college mate.
When he came to the sea, he lost sight of that ship, but it appeared soon again.
There is no doubt that he will succeed in the future.

英语翻译去年他被指控偷钱.(accuse...of妈妈提醒我不要忘了我的诺言.(remind sb.of巧合的是,我的妻子是你的大学同学.(by coincidence当他到海边的时候,那艘船在他眼前消失但很快又出现了.(lose sight 翻译:他被指控犯了抢劫罪.(accuse) 英语翻译:在法庭上他被指控偷了邻居的钱和衣服(be accused ...of) 毫无疑问,他偷了钱 用英语翻译 英语翻译他改了名字,这样他的新朋友们就不会知道他曾经被指控杀过人.备注:他改了名字,(以便)他的朋友们. 英语翻译他在这个城市游荡了两年,直到因为偷钱而被投入监狱. 他将会被指控谋杀.(charge sb with sth指控某人……)(谋杀 名词murder) 英语翻译到目前为止你看了多少部电影了?_____________so far?上周他被指控闯入电脑系统He __________the computer system last week 英语翻译:他们不再是好朋友,因为一方起诉另一方闯入了他的家(accuse) 自行车被偷了 英语翻译 各种控告,指控的词区别?怎么用?如:accuse,sue,charge,还有哪些?对应搭配词组? His parents just wanted to know ___ (他为什么被指控)abusing power 这个老人怀疑我偷了他的钱.(suspect)英语翻译 这个老人怀疑我偷了他的钱.(suspect)英语翻译 他的叔叔去年被送进监狱--英语翻译 英语翻译括号里的词必用!1.如果方便的话,请你明天早上十点到这里来(convenient)2.他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益(accuse)3.她花了冤枉钱,买了她并不需要的东西(waste)4.假如天气好的话,足球 英语翻译翻译要包含括号里的短语.员工指控委员会的某些委员接受了一个私企老板的贿赂 (accuse of)要是你真正下点功夫,就一定能解决这个问题(work at)正确的投资势必会带来丰厚的回报(sound) 英语翻译原句很长,就是主干不懂,主干如下:he did not accept the charge as well founded.我直译为:他不接受指控,因为指控是很有根据的.而正确译法是:他认为这种指控是缺少根据的.我不明白well fou