英语翻译1:我以为报刊杂志写文章谋生,应为我擅长写作胜于做其他事情.(write articles,than doing)2:疲劳的孩子们抱怨参加太多的有组织计划的活动(complain about,take part )3:克服重重困难后,他

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:53:14

英语翻译1:我以为报刊杂志写文章谋生,应为我擅长写作胜于做其他事情.(write articles,than doing)2:疲劳的孩子们抱怨参加太多的有组织计划的活动(complain about,take part )3:克服重重困难后,他
1:我以为报刊杂志写文章谋生,应为我擅长写作胜于做其他事情.(write articles,than doing)
2:疲劳的孩子们抱怨参加太多的有组织计划的活动(complain about,take part )
3:克服重重困难后,他梦想成真(not...until ,lots of difficulties
4:他正上着班,火灾发生了,一些人不知所措,而他帮助了许多处于危险境地中的人们(while,a fire start,what to do ,in danger

英语翻译1:我以为报刊杂志写文章谋生,应为我擅长写作胜于做其他事情.(write articles,than doing)2:疲劳的孩子们抱怨参加太多的有组织计划的活动(complain about,take part )3:克服重重困难后,他
I think the newspapers and magazines wrote articles to make a living, because I am good at writing than do other things.
The tired children complain about plan take part in activities
Not To overcome lots of difficulties, he dreams come true.
While he is a class,a fire start fire, some people nothing do it , but he what helped a lot of people is in danger.

1.i feed on writing articles for newspapers and magzines , because i'm good at writing than doing other things .
2.the tired kids complain about taking part in so many organized activities.


1.i feed on writing articles for newspapers and magzines , because i'm good at writing than doing other things .
2.the tired kids complain about taking part in so many organized activities.
3.he hasn't realized his dream until overcame lots of difficulties.
4.he was at work while a fire started burning , some people had no ideas about what to do ,he helped many persons in danger


1、I make a living by writing articles to newspapers and magazines , because I am good at writing than doing other things!
2、The tired children complained about taking part too much planed and org...


1、I make a living by writing articles to newspapers and magazines , because I am good at writing than doing other things!
2、The tired children complained about taking part too much planed and organized activities.
3、his dream didn't come true until overcome lots of difficults.
4、the fire hanppend while he is working,what he to do helped a lot of people in danger.


1 I make a living by writing articles for newspapers and magzines,because I am good at writing than doing other things。
2 The tired children complain about taking part in so many organized activit...


1 I make a living by writing articles for newspapers and magzines,because I am good at writing than doing other things。
2 The tired children complain about taking part in so many organized activities。
3 His dreams didn't come true until overcoming lots of difficulties
4 While he is at work,a fire started , some people didn’t know what to do , but he helped people who in danger.


1.I make a living by writing articles,for I can do it better than other things.
2.The tired children complained about taking part in too many organized and planned activities.
3.His dream did...


1.I make a living by writing articles,for I can do it better than other things.
2.The tired children complained about taking part in too many organized and planned activities.
3.His dream didn't come true until overcomed lots of difficulties .
4.While he was working,a fire started.Some people didn't know what to do,but he helped many in danger.


英语翻译1:我以为报刊杂志写文章谋生,应为我擅长写作胜于做其他事情.(write articles,than doing)2:疲劳的孩子们抱怨参加太多的有组织计划的活动(complain about,take part )3:克服重重困难后,他 有哪些报刊杂志可以写文章赚取稿费? 英语翻译最好是一些报刊杂志那些的文章.曝光率不是太高的!我先不加分,如果回答符合条件, 怎样向报刊杂志推荐文章就是那种可以赚取推荐稿费的,不是自己写的 英语翻译翻译成英语:charles 的新年决心是写文章寄到报刊杂志上去发表(Charles's) New Year's resolution is ( ) write articles and (send) them to newspapers and magazines!中间的那个空怎么填? 他干涉么谋生 英语翻译 爸爸为我订报刊杂志 什么政法类报刊杂志容易发文章 以为话题,写一篇文章,急阿! 我不想谋生,我想生活. 报刊杂志上的文章报刊杂志上的优秀文章短小点注明出处3篇 英语翻译我是一名英语翻译爱好者,想把自己喜欢的英语文章翻译成中文然后向国内的报刊杂志投稿,请问大家哪些报刊杂志接受这样的翻译稿件呢?越多越好. 英语翻译:还以为没有眼泪了.还以为没有眼泪了.或者 ,还以为不会哭了,写文章用,请高手帮忙翻译,用古语或者写的优美一点的加分.谢谢. 英语单词“关爱”、“下决心”、“依靠”、“谋生”怎么写? 他们谋生亦谋爱是谁写的 以为自己准备一把船桨为主题,写一篇文章! 英语翻译我以为你会在的. 英语翻译.你以为我还会爱你吗.