
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:07:44


说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,名词 look 可数吗 ■本站特约作者 陈根花 ■表示“看”“瞧”,可数,但通常用单数形式.如:May I have a look at your passport?我可否看一下你的护照?May I have a look at your photo?我可以看你的照片吗?Let’s go into the hall and have a look round.让我们进大厅转一转.Take a look at the list me and John made up.看一看我和约翰开的清单吧.I snatched a look at the answers while the teacher was out of the room.趁老师不在房间时,我迅速地偷看了一下答案.■表示“脸色”“神色”“眼色”“表情”等,可数.如:His troubled look frightened her.他苦恼的表情使她惊恐.She threw me a look of encouragement.她向我投来鼓励的目光.Her eyes held a look of silent appeal.她眼中流露着无声的求助神情.The girl gave a look in my direction.那个女孩朝我这边看了一眼.■表示“审看”“考虑”,只用单数形式.如:Have you had a chance to take a look at my proposal yet?你有机会考虑过我的提议了吗?I asked the vet to have a quick look at the puppies as well.我叫兽医顺便也看一下这些小狗.■表示“寻找”,只用单数形式.如:I can't find them anywhere.Have a look yourself.我哪里也找不着,你自己找吧.She had a good look (=searched carefully) through the files.她在文件中仔细寻过了.■表示“外观”“外表”,可数,但通常用单数形式.如:The area has a very seedy look to it.这个地区看上去破烂不堪.Mr Flynn had a tired,ill look in his eyes.弗林先生的眼中显出倦意的病容.■表示某物看上去的“样子”,为可数名词.如:The neighbours are back from holiday by the looks of it (=that is how it seems).看样子邻居已度假回来了.I don't like the look of this new policy (=I do not like the way it seems).我不喜欢这项新政策.■表示“吸引人的外貌”,总是用复数形式.如:Good looks are not as important as kindness.好的容貌没有好的心肠重要.主要参考书:《朗文英语语法》《英语常用词多用途词典》《朗文高级英语词典》等.引用地址: