英语翻译论民法中的代理制度摘 要:代理是一项重要的民法制度,我国《民法通则》第四章第二节对代理制度作了规定.但在《民法通则》对代理问题的规定过于简单、原则,已不能适应司法实

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 02:03:31

英语翻译论民法中的代理制度摘 要:代理是一项重要的民法制度,我国《民法通则》第四章第二节对代理制度作了规定.但在《民法通则》对代理问题的规定过于简单、原则,已不能适应司法实
摘 要:代理是一项重要的民法制度,我国《民法通则》第四章第二节对代理制度作了规定.但在《民法通则》对代理问题的规定过于简单、原则,已不能适应司法实践的需要,亟待从立法上加以完善.其中,表见代理本作为一种无权代理,由于代理权表象的存在,并引起了善意第三人的信赖,对善意第三人的利益保护就涉及到了交易安全的问题.因此,表见代理制度的设立主要是出于保护善意第三人的合法权益、促进市场交易的安全的目的.这一制度是市场经济发展规律的体现.但我国合同法最终将间接代理规定在委托合同之中,而不是规定在行纪合同中,这主要是为了强调间接代理与行纪的区别.区别间接代理与行纪,对于正确适用合同法,解决有关,具有十分重要的意义.本文就完善无权代理制度,尤其是表见代理制度,以及间接代理与行纪的纠纷的问题作一论述.

英语翻译论民法中的代理制度摘 要:代理是一项重要的民法制度,我国《民法通则》第四章第二节对代理制度作了规定.但在《民法通则》对代理问题的规定过于简单、原则,已不能适应司法实
By civil law in proxy system Abstract:
The proxy was an important civil law system, our country "General provisions of the civil law" fourth chapter of second has made the stipulation to the proxy system. But too is simple, the principle in "General provisions of the civil law" to the proxy question stipulation, has not been able to meet the judicial practice need, urgently awaits to perform from the legislation to consummate. Among them, the table sees the proxy book to take one kind has no right to act, as a result of the power of attorney representation existence, and has caused the good intentions third person of faith, involved the transaction security question to the good intentions third person of benefit protection. Therefore, the table sees the proxy system the establishment mainly is stems from the protection good intentions third person of legitimate rights and interests, promotes the market transaction security goal. This system is market economy law of development manifesting. But our country contract law finally indirectly will act stipulates in the contract of bailment, but will not be the stipulation in 行纪 the contract, this mainly will be for emphasize the indirect proxy and 行纪 the difference. Distinguishes the indirect proxy with 行纪, regarding correctly is suitable the contract law, the solution related, has the extremely vital significance. This article has no right on the consummation to act the system, the table sees the proxy system in particular, as well as indirect proxy with 行纪 the dispute question makes an elaboration.

Acting on civil law system to pick : Acting is an important civil law system, China's "General Rules of the Civil Law" Section 2 of Chapter IV of the agency system provided. But in the "General Rules ...


Acting on civil law system to pick : Acting is an important civil law system, China's "General Rules of the Civil Law" Section 2 of Chapter IV of the agency system provided. But in the "General Rules of the Civil Law" Acting on the provisions are too simple, the principle has no judicial practice needs to be perfect from the legislation. The Biaoxiandaili this as a right to representation, because representation of the presence of symptoms, and three people raised goodwill trust, goodwill relating to the protection of the interests of a third person in the transaction security. Therefore, Biaojiandaili system was established primarily for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of people of goodwill third, the promotion of market transactions security purposes. This system is the embodiment of the law of development of the market economy. But my contract law will ultimately indirect agent in a contract, rather than in Xingjigetong, mainly in order to emphasize the distinction between discipline and indirect agents and OK. Acting with the discipline and indirect distinction for the correct application of contract law, the settlement is of great significance. Acting on the authority of this system, especially Biaojiandaili system, and indirect agents and the question of discipline and disputes a statement.


英语翻译论民法中的代理制度摘 要:代理是一项重要的民法制度,我国《民法通则》第四章第二节对代理制度作了规定.但在《民法通则》对代理问题的规定过于简单、原则,已不能适应司法实 利用例子说明表见代理对无权代理的区别表见代理是无权代理的一种,但它又跟一般的无权代理不同,请利用例子说明其中的不同! 英语翻译“代理产品”用英语翻译,最好是一个单词 商业中的“自由代理”是什么意思? “见”有几种读音,或者说是多音字吗民法里面有一种表见代理制度,有人说这个见字应该读现而不是贱, 代理是什么意思? 英语翻译 我现在通过代理上网 英语翻译代理成本中的 闲暇消费 和 实物消费 不要翻译机的~`好像这两个词是中国人发明的?西方经济学里好像没有啊~郁闷 英语翻译对于委托人与代理人、不完全契约带来的代理成本及信息不对称等委托代理问题,大部分现代企业为了降低代理成本、提升企业价值,必须采取合理的公司治理策略,目前使用最多的是 英语翻译是高级 非资深 是代表 非代理是职位 非委任 请问大家招代理是啥意思 太阳代理加盟是咋意思? socks代理到底是什么意思?http代理是设置了浏览器的代理,那么socks代理到底是什么呢?只知道socks是一般的网络应用程序都要使用的一种接口,设置了socks代理是不是意味着所有的网络应用程序都 英语翻译我们打游戏时一般开的代理,这个代理怎么用英文表达? 如何做美瞳代理?怎样做代理?美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳美瞳一切尽在不言中!要做代理的加Q3906 63064,网络美女红人店 老外要代理 为什么还要Authority Letter 腾讯代理的是dota2还是什么?Dota2谁代理?rt 什么是网游代理加速器?这个代理加速器是用来干什么的.