
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 12:15:00


二楼的答案让我很费解,和楼主的题目完全没关系 = =
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is XXX,and I live in Unit X,Building X.I am terribly sorry to disturb you,however,I have a complaint that I wish to present to you.As you may know,I have lived here for many years and have made peace with many of my neighbours.However,after many tiring weekends during which peace is forever in pursuit and never obtained,I cannot possibly tolerate the loud noises caused by my neighbour,Mr.Zhao anymore.I realise that each person is entitled to his or her enjoyments,but,as we are living in an apartment,it is common accepted that while we are enjoying ourselves,we must take others’ feelings into consideration.I do not wish to impose my wishes onto others,but,if it is possible,could you please negotiate with him to reduce the noise levels to a reasonable amount on weekends,so others can rest in peace after a busy weekend.
Thank you very much.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a customer who bought a SO200 type cell phone from your company several days ago. I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of this product.


Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a customer who bought a SO200 type cell phone from your company several days ago. I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of this product.
After using the cell phone for two days several problems have been found. First, the cell phone could not send text massages any more. If I sent massages, it would suggest that there were some problems with the cell phone, which have made a lot of trouble to me. Second, the camera couldn’t work as well as before. As soon as I took pictures, it would turn into black color and there were no pictures kept in the picture files.
This kind of problem caused me a lot of troubles. I have gone to your company to explain the problem twice. But because of some reason, the problem has still not been solved.
I prefer to tell you directly in the hope that you will do something to solve my problem. I will be appreciative if you either make a refund or sent me a replacement.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future.
Ruby Smith


Dear Sir:
I'm so sorry to disturb you with my complaint. But I really can not tolerate my noisy neighbor Mr.Zhao any more. He always makes so much noise when I want to have a peace weekend. I k...


Dear Sir:
I'm so sorry to disturb you with my complaint. But I really can not tolerate my noisy neighbor Mr.Zhao any more. He always makes so much noise when I want to have a peace weekend. I know it is a personal habit and I do not have the right to interfere with his own affair. But I just hope, If you can, please negotiate with him as to take my feeling into consideration. No matter what kind of a result you get, please let me know as soon as possible. Your great effort would be appreciated.



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