devil in me 的歌词翻译

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devil in me 的歌词翻译
devil in me 的歌词翻译

devil in me 的歌词翻译
Steel a soul for a second chance刚毅灵魂已转生 But you will never become a man你不再是人类 My chosen torture makes me stronger我所选之痛苦使我更加强大 In a life that craves the hunger生命在渴望中祈求 Fade away in a quest for life找寻消逝的生命 Until the end the judgment night直至审判的来临 Bless me with your gift of light以光之圣礼护佑我 Righteous cause on judgment night引导这正义的裁决 Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed感受悲伤被光明吞噬 Feel the freedom like no tomorrow感受没有明日的自由 Stepping forth a cure for soul's demise快速冲进治愈将逝的灵魂 Reap the tears of the victim cries拾取牺牲者的泪水 Yearning more to hear the suffer of a demon as I put it under 聆听我斩杀的恶魔之痛苦 Kill before a time抹杀记忆 kill them all斩尽一切 Passed down the righteous law流传正义的圣戒 Serve a justice that dwells in me以此维持正义的审判 Lifeless corpse没有生命的躯壳 As far as越来越多 The eye can see双眼能够见证〔x5〕 Bless me with the 保佑我 Leaves off of the tree枯树的落叶 On it,I see在此,我看见 The freedom reign自由引导一切 We are falling我们都已堕落 The light is calling光芒在呼唤 Tears inside me眼泪充盈我的双眼 Calm me down使我平静下来 Midnight calling子夜召唤 Mist of resolving泪光溶解 Crown me,with the加冕我 Pure green leaf以这纯洁的绿叶 Praised to my father以我父亲的荣耀 Blessed by the water向圣水祈祷 Black night,dark sky黑夜降临,暗噬天空 The devil cry魔鬼在哭泣〔x2〕 无论这个世界如何,无论我们的命运如何,以双手为武器,以自由引导,向我们的梦想前进.