英语翻译5.基本生活工资5.1 每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:17:17

英语翻译5.基本生活工资5.1 每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所
5.1 每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所剩余,以供零用.
5.2 所有雇员在入职前应获发书面通知,清楚说明有关工资的聘用条件,并在每次发薪时,收到有关支薪期内工资的书面说明.
5.3 严禁以扣减工资作为纪律惩处,也不可在没有当地法律依据且未经雇员同意的情况下,扣减工资.所有纪律惩处的办法,皆应记录存盘.
6.1 工时必须符合当地法律规定及业内参考标准,并以保障较大者为准.
7.1 雇员不可因种族、阶级、国籍、宗教、年龄、残障、性别、婚姻状态、性取向、工会会籍或政治倾向等因素,而在聘用、赔偿、培训、晋升、解聘或退休方面受到歧视.
8.1 在所有情况下,雇员的工作必须以当地法律或惯例认可的劳资关系为基础.

英语翻译5.基本生活工资5.1 每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所
Minimum wage for living at least, every 5.1 regular cycle salaries working and welfares, must reach local statutory standards or the reference standard engaging in inner, and give first place to higher person. Besides under any situation, the employee salary is enough to maintain fundamental need except responding to, also should have the institute surplus here on that, to provide small incidental expenses. 5.2 possessions should obtain hair written notice before the employee entering duty , understand the condition explaining engaging in connection with the salary , receive written instruction about drawing the salary scheduled time inner salary and when paying out the salary every time. 5.3 strictly prohibits from to deduct part of subtraction payment penalizing as discipline , may deduct part of subtraction payment under the situation that the local law does not agree that according to the employee and without neither. The way that all discipline penalizes, all responds to a precis writer store a set. 6. 6.1 forbidden too long working hours must accord with local legal rules and the job on-time consulting a standard within , take ensuring bigger person as the criterion and. Under Ren He situation 6.2, the employer should not require that the employee works weekly exceeding 48 hours at the regular intervals , average employee every 7 continuous work sky and, must enjoy one day at least taking holiday. The palpus is volunteered by the job working extra shifts for the character, is not allowed to exceed 12 hours weekly , also is not allowed to look upon as routine arranging at the same time for , respond to overtime pay of great amount degree to do make up for comparatively. 7. Not 7.1 employees who discriminate against an employee are not allowed to choose because of the race , class , nationality , religion , age , physical disability , sex , marriage state , nature to factors such as labor membership or political inclination , but, the reparation, trains , promotion, dismisses or the aspect retiring accepts a discrimination in engaging. 8. 8.1 goes down regular employee-employer relations in all condition , employee's job must take the employee-employer relations that law or convention approves in the locality as basis. 8.2 is not allowed to make use of being for the labour contract , subpackage contract , family replacing labor way only , the apprentice who having no intention of imparting a technical ability through a few or provides regular employee-employer relations trains or a plan , makes use of the labour and capital contract exceeding the time limit using regular intervals or , comes to evade employer responsibility fixing, because of regular employee-employer relations but bearing be obliged to the employee in labor law or public welfare law and regulation. 9. Strictly prohibit from treating an employee with harsh or inhuman gimmick 9. Or strictly forbid an employee to be abused by the body or physical punishment, accepts the threat , sexual harassment that the body abuses, other form infringing upon harassing and speak going ahead or other form frightening. What the article within this regulations is a minimum standard column , only, is not maximal call for but , the company does not respond to on this account do not exceed the limit of, but refuse to exceed a standard. The company who applies this regulations's also must observe local and other applicable law , the article within regulations all does out regulation to the same item if law and capital are fundamental , must take ensuring bigger person as the criterion then

英语翻译5.基本生活工资5.1 每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所 如何才能百手起家!我一个打工仔工资只够生活所需开销基本没什么积蓄.如何能白手起家~ 我们每个月结束的时候发工资.用英语翻译.中间用at the end of 英语翻译1.基本工资2.补发基本工资3.岗位工资4.绩效工资5.特殊绩效工资6.住房补贴7.补发住房补贴8.失业保险单位缴费9.基本养老保险单位缴费10.工伤保险单位缴费11.住房公积金单位缴费12.基 高级英语翻译工资多少? 英语翻译工资很高吧? 英语翻译工资多少? 普通英语翻译多少工资 工资低 英语翻译 英语翻译工资高吗 英语翻译一般工资多少 英语翻译工资大概多少? 江南机械厂改革工资分配制度,实行绩效工资制,即每月工资由基本工资和绩效工资两部分组成(绩效工资=月工时数x每个工时奖励工资).下表是第一车间的两位职工的工资表(假设他们基本 工资3700每个月扣税多少?谢谢! 英语翻译的工资一般是多少? 天津英语翻译工资一般 是多少? 我们要让每个学生都阳光地生活,公务员实行阳光工资是廉政建设的重要举措中的阳光的意思 英语翻译dear boss北区的CS Eline 在试用期间态度积极,表现良好,能基本处理好工作,建议转正工资3000RMB,级别为10级.