求大家帮用以下词组帮我组成一段对话!1 have a wonderful night2 almost have no sleep3 get into the car4 feel sleepy5 can't help dozing off6 turn one's steering wheel7 run into the river麻烦大家帮我编成一段对话 是对话 而

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 08:22:11

求大家帮用以下词组帮我组成一段对话!1 have a wonderful night2 almost have no sleep3 get into the car4 feel sleepy5 can't help dozing off6 turn one's steering wheel7 run into the river麻烦大家帮我编成一段对话 是对话 而
1 have a wonderful night
2 almost have no sleep
3 get into the car
4 feel sleepy
5 can't help dozing off
6 turn one's steering wheel
7 run into the river
是对话 而不是一段话!

求大家帮用以下词组帮我组成一段对话!1 have a wonderful night2 almost have no sleep3 get into the car4 feel sleepy5 can't help dozing off6 turn one's steering wheel7 run into the river麻烦大家帮我编成一段对话 是对话 而
Do you have a wonderful night yesterday?
No.I almost have no sleep.
Well,I get into the car after work.
I began to feel sleepy on the way.
You are too tired after work.
You can say that again.I can't help dozing off while driving.
Oh dear!And what happened then?
I turn my steering wheel without any conscious and ran into the river.
So how's your car?

求大家帮用以下词组帮我组成一段对话!1 have a wonderful night2 almost have no sleep3 get into the car4 feel sleepy5 can't help dozing off6 turn one's steering wheel7 run into the river麻烦大家帮我编成一段对话 是对话 而 谁帮我组成词组~ 帮我组成词组吧 用以下几个词帮我编一段话捷足先登、逍遥法外、销声匿迹、鞍前马后、班门弄斧(其中四个就行) (1/2)大家好,帮我个忙,用以下英语造句.my city is a great place to live because 痛苦啊 来人帮我用以下词自己确定中心 写一段话:方正 博学 人迹罕至 人声鼎沸 叮嘱 绵延 恐惧 讪笑 来势汹汹 荒草萋萋 幽静 在用以下词自己确定中心 写一段话:艰难险阻 浩浩荡荡 一泻万 帮我找一段 医生和病人 的英语对话 有谁听的懂苏州话?帮我翻译一段对话吧!着急,感谢!对话录音文件比较大,我的qq58899763 跟我联系啊,各位大家! 求一段5个人的英语情景对话,话题不限,持续时间8到10分钟下个星期三要搞视听说对话了,可是我不会编写对话,求高手帮个忙,帮我编定一段对话,如果您翻译有困难的话,可以编写中文的,不过如 求一段英语对话麻烦帮我编一段英语对话,要有头有尾.要以道歉,问路,say goodbye,任何一个话题为主...要能讲够三分钟左右... 【急】请帮我用以下字母组成几个容易记住的单词(不可重复)!a、e、f、h、i、l、m、n、o、r、s、x 用名字组成的诗句.我名字叫张宇星.麻烦大家帮下. 英语翻译大家帮下我哟 大家帮我猜下成语 帮忙大一英语口语~帮我用以下几个问题组成一个口语对话.being later 主题have you ever been late?how do you think about someone who is always late is punctuality important what are some of the excuses that people always use for 编英语对话.谁帮我编一段问路的英语对话.不要太短了. 大神帮写一段英语对话 大家帮下成语