英语翻译Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.At the age of nineteen,he joined an I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 00:49:43

英语翻译Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.At the age of nineteen,he joined an I
Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.
At the age of nineteen,he joined an Italian orchestra on a tour in Brazil.During that tour,the conductor of the orchestra suddenly quit his job
Toscanini was that he did his job without the help of a score.Having read through a score,he could recall every note many years later.However,the fact that he had a marvelous memory alone did not make him a great conductor.It was his energy,strict attitude towards performance,and loyalty to the composer’s intention that made him outstanding.
During rehearsals,to get what he wanted from his orchestra,he would sometimes stamp his feet,snap his baton and tear his store to pieces.He tried to make use of every means to interpret music.Once he found himself at a loss when trying to describe to an American orchestra a very light effect in a passage (his English was poor).After thinking hard for a while,he drew a white silk handkerchief from his pocket and threw it into the air,watching with the orchestra as it floated to the floor.“There!” he said.“Play like that!”
 Toscanini drove himself as hard as he did his orchestra.If the orchestra met his demands,he would weep for joy.Otherwise,he would not spare them from punishment.If he himself made a rare mistake,he would slap his own face in front of the orchestra.He would not spare even himself from punishment.
  Toscanini would shout at anyone who dared talk during the performance or,even worse,arrived late.
  All through his life,Toscanini was anti-fascist.In1931,he was physically attacked for refusing to play the fascist anthem and for protesting against Hitler’s ban on Jewish musicians.
  He dropped his baton in 1954,and died in 1957 at the age of 90.

英语翻译Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.At the age of nineteen,he joined an I
Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.导演了许多世界知名歌剧如《奥瑟罗》和《艺术家的生涯》的第一次公开演出,阿尔图罗.托斯卡尼尼被认为是二十世纪初最伟大的指挥家.
At the age of nineteen,he joined an Italian orchestra on a tour in Brazil.During that tour,the conductor of the orchestra suddenly quit his job 19岁时,他加入了一个在巴西巡回演唱的意大利管弦乐队,在巡回演出时,乐队的指挥者突然辞职了.
Toscanini was that he did his job without the help of a score.
Having read through a score,he could recall every note many years later.
However,the fact that he had a marvelous memory alone did not make him a great conductor.然而,他有着惊人的记忆力这个事实并不能使他成为一个伟大的指挥家.
It was his energy,strict attitude towards performance,and loyalty to the composer’s intention that made him outstanding.是他的精力/活力,对于表现的严格态度和对创作者目的的忠诚表达让他光芒四射.
During rehearsals,to get what he wanted from his orchestra,he would sometimes stamp his feet,snap his baton and tear his store to pieces.为了在乐队中得到他所想要的,在排演时他有时会跺跺脚,突然折断指挥棒或者是把自己的乐谱撕成碎片.
He tried to make use of every means to interpret music.
Once he found himself at a loss when trying to describe to an American orchestra a very light effect in a passage (his English was poor).
After thinking hard for a while,he drew a white silk handkerchief from his pocket and threw it into the air,watching with the orchestra as it floated to the floor.“There!” he said.“Play like that!”
 Toscanini drove himself as hard as he did his orchestra.If the orchestra met his demands,he would weep for joy.
Otherwise,he would not spare them from punishment.If he himself made a rare mistake,he would slap his own face in front of the orchestra.He would not spare even himself from punishment.否则,他将会毫不留情的惩罚他们.如果他自己犯了一个不该犯的错误,他将会当着乐队成员们的面打自己巴掌.他是不会吝啬于惩罚自己.
  Toscanini would shout at anyone who dared talk during the performance or,even worse,arrived late.
  All through his life,Toscanini was anti-fascist.In1931,he was physically attacked for refusing to play the fascist anthem and for protesting against Hitler’s ban on Jewish musicians.在他的一生中,托斯卡尼尼是反法西斯主义者.在1931年,因为拒绝表演法西斯圣歌并为了反对希特勒对犹太人的禁令,他遭到了袭击.
He dropped his baton in 1954,and died in 1957 at the age of 90.

Arturo Toscanini,他指导了许多世界知名歌剧的第一次公开演出,(例如《奥赛罗》和《艺术家生涯》),他被被认为是二十世纪初期最伟大的指挥家。


Arturo Toscanini,他指导了许多世界知名歌剧的第一次公开演出,(例如《奥赛罗》和《艺术家生涯》),他被被认为是二十世纪初期最伟大的指挥家。
