英语阅读自己出的要交给老师看的,看看大家做的情况再进行修改,Friends play an important part in our lives,and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends.Whil

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 03:17:58

英语阅读自己出的要交给老师看的,看看大家做的情况再进行修改,Friends play an important part in our lives,and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends.Whil
Friends play an important part in our lives,and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends.While we get on well with a number of people,we are usually friends with only a very few---for example,the average among students is about 6 per person.
Moreover,a great many relationships come under the general term “friendship.” In all cases,two people like one anther and enjoy being together,but beyond that,the degree of closeness between them and the reasons for their interest in each other vary greatly.
At the beginning,much depends on how people meet,and on good first impressions.As we get to know people,we consider things like age,race,looks,economic and social status,and intelligence.Although these factors are not of the greatest importance,it is more difficult to have a good relationship with people when there is a big difference in age and background.
We pay attention to actual behavior,facial expression,and the way a person speaks.Friends will stand closer together and soft voices also express friendliness,and it is because they may give the wrong signals that shy people often have difficulty in making friends.A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare,and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.People who do not look one in the eye are not trusted when,in fact,they simply do not have confidence.
Some relationships are a result of argument and discussion,but it is usual for close friends to have the same ideas and beliefs,the same opinions and interests---they often talk about “being on the same wavelength.” The more closely involved people become,the more they depend on one another.People want to do friends favors and hate to let them down.Equally,friends have to learn to make allowances for each other,to put up with annoying habits,and to accept differences in opinion.Imagine going on a long trip with someone you occasionally meet for a drink!
In contrast with marriage,there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the relationship between two people.But the mutual support and understanding that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a close and lasting relationship,which can overcome differences in background,and break down barriers of age,class or race.
Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions.
1.According to the passage,a friend is_________.
A.somebody we usually take for granted
B.a person with whom we often go out with
C.someone with whom we occasionally go for a long trip
D.not just anybody we get on well with
2.Which of the following factors does the author believe are very important in developing friendships
A.Age and background.
B Economic and social positions
.C.Race and looks.
D.Same interests and behavior.
3.The passage tells us that sometimes a face with the wrong expression could be mistaken as a sign of ___________

英语阅读自己出的要交给老师看的,看看大家做的情况再进行修改,Friends play an important part in our lives,and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends.Whil



英语阅读自己出的要交给老师看的,看看大家做的情况再进行修改,Friends play an important part in our lives,and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted,we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends.Whil 用英语数词来表示以下数字:81、97、101一定要正确!是要交给老师看的! 求一首自己写的仿古代诗歌和现代诗歌,要自己写的,因为要交给老师改的 老师,请看看我的闪光点 (阅读短文参考答案) 老师看了之后会怎么样重新评价他呢? 亲子阅读:压力的馈赠 读后感求求你了!要250字以上!明天就要交给老师了! 用“厉害”造句(表示批评意思的)文明一点的啊,要交给老师看的 英语怎么说:老师告诉我们只能看自己的卷子. 修改病句,经过大家的努力,使我们出色的完成了老师交给的任务. 描写自己做错事情后妈妈生气的样子.急那件事不要太过分,要交给老师 六年级的课外阅读 随便找一篇 .我们老师让自己出卷子,要阅读.麻烦各位找篇 修改病句:经过大家的共同努力,出色地完成了老师交给我的任务. 有关读书的名言和成语 要交给老师的 胎生,卵生.卵胎生的繁殖方式 功课!要交给老师 阅读理解的题目该怎么出?我们老师要求自己出一篇关于阅读理解的试卷,不知怎么出, 简单使用能交给老师那样的 所有关于森林的(不要关于环境保护的,英语的回答)今天十二点之前回答的话加高分!要关于有些什么的,非常急!星期一要交给老师看! 老师让写一篇英语的自我介绍,至少80词,我写了一篇,有很多错误(比如用词不当等等),求改,悬赏自提.我刚六年级毕业,这篇是交给中学老师的,可以的话麻烦再用自己的话翻译一下,看是否符 用所给单词的适当形式填空这种题怎么写?拜托大家教教我方法!我是个学英语的新手,不会做这种题,请大家教教我,明天就交给老师了!