英语翻译答案是选择A,告诉我原因和为什么不选择其他的,翻译下,--You shouldn't have played such a joke on him.--Sorry,I ____ that he would get so angry.A didn't expect B don't expect C hadn't expected D hasn't expected

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 02:14:25

英语翻译答案是选择A,告诉我原因和为什么不选择其他的,翻译下,--You shouldn't have played such a joke on him.--Sorry,I ____ that he would get so angry.A didn't expect B don't expect C hadn't expected D hasn't expected
--You shouldn't have played such a joke on him.
--Sorry,I ____ that he would get so angry.
A didn't expect B don't expect
C hadn't expected D hasn't expected

英语翻译答案是选择A,告诉我原因和为什么不选择其他的,翻译下,--You shouldn't have played such a joke on him.--Sorry,I ____ that he would get so angry.A didn't expect B don't expect C hadn't expected D hasn't expected
——对不起 我不知道他会变得这么生气
所以我们可以先排除B D
而C中had done 表过去的一个动作或状态在过去某时间或者动作之前已经完成或者结束,即发生在“过去的过去”,注意只有和过去某时间或某动作相比较时候才能用到这个时态 在这边显然不是这样用的.

英语翻译答案是选择A,告诉我原因和为什么不选择其他的,翻译下,--You shouldn't have played such a joke on him.--Sorry,I ____ that he would get so angry.A didn't expect B don't expect C hadn't expected D hasn't expected the manager of the reataurant was named jhon,and ____back,i realized that he wasn't a very good restaurant manager.A looked B to look C looking D look答案是选择C,告诉我原因和为什么不选择其他的,翻译下, 顺便告诉我为什么选择这个答案. 告诉我为什么选择这些答案,依据. 英语翻译He studied hard at school when he was young ( ) contributes to his success in later life.A.which B,that C.,which D,so that这道题的答案选择的是C,谁能告诉我A和B为什么不选?Mr Smith will move into his new house next mon 选择填空: We____loudly in the library. A. must be B. must not talk C.mustn't to talk D. mustn't be题目就是刚才那样,是预备年级的题目.我需要好心人帮我解答,不仅告诉我答案,还要告诉我为什么这样选.原因要 不定项选择,答案和原因, 为什么答案选择A,不能选择C? 单项选择:A horse is_____useful animal.A.an B.a C.the说明选择的原因,谢谢为什么不选C?告诉我一下谢了 第八题答案是D,能不能告诉我A为什么错 3道简单的物理选择题(如果我选错了,请指出并告诉我错的原因我选择正确答案的原因)如果对了请告诉我第二题为什么选择D.1.下列说法中正确的是()(这题直接告诉答案)A.加速度增大, A few___are playing under the tree.A boy B boys C childs Dchild讲清楚为什么选择那个答案 重要的是原因 求助一道八上科学题,为什么正确答案是B而不是D,谁能告诉我选择的原因. 21-25题,并告诉我为什么选择这个答案 The film is __.I suggest it to you.A;terrible B:boring C:wonderful.如何选择为什么答案是c呢,原因何在, The little boy knows little of mathematics, _____of chemistry.A the same B as little as Cstill less Dlittle答案是选择C less这里是指比较级吗 为什么加of用呢 麻烦详细解释下其他选择错误的原因 和此句翻译过来是什 分离碘和固体食盐A.加蒸馏水 B.加氯水 C.加热 D.加入硝酸银溶液书上答案是C答案正确吗?为什么?原因原因... 社会形态更替是必然性与历史选择的统一.一个民族之所以作出这种或那种选择的原因是:A取决于民族利益B取决与交往C对历史必然性和本民族特点的把握D取决于发展 答案:ABC 为什么选B不