六上英语练习与测试第6单元六年级的英语练习与测试第六单元的答案 P64页 D部分的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:20:32

六上英语练习与测试第6单元六年级的英语练习与测试第六单元的答案 P64页 D部分的
六年级的英语练习与测试第六单元的答案 P64页 D部分的

六上英语练习与测试第6单元六年级的英语练习与测试第六单元的答案 P64页 D部分的


1.I bought some _________________(礼物)for my mother on Mothers’ Day.
2.I think sun is ____________________(大的)than the moon.
3.Let’s do the _________________(洗)....


1.I bought some _________________(礼物)for my mother on Mothers’ Day.
2.I think sun is ____________________(大的)than the moon.
3.Let’s do the _________________(洗).
4.Lin Tao is ______________(好的)at English than me.
5.Don’t be _______________(生气)with me.
6.He ______________(打扫)his room every day.
7.How are you _________________(感觉)?
8.I like to________________(学习)English.
9.He is two _________________(米)tall.
10.How many _______________(人)are there in your family?
( )1.My room is 10 ________________.
A kilometers B centimeters C square meters
( )2.Your arms are longer than _____________.
A I B me C mine
( )3..An ant carry things ___________heavier than his weight.
A much B many C lot
( )4.Tome’s father is _____________than his mother.
A older 5 years B 5 years older C 5 years old
( )5.Who is _____________, Amy, Sue or zoom?
A small B smaller C the smallest
( )6.Look! She is so _____________.
A excite B exciting C excited
( )7.____________do you feel?
A How B What C When
( )8.Oh, my god. My leg _____________.
A hurts B sore C broken.
( )9.You ___________sad today.
A have B look C see
( )10.I failed the math test.
I am ___________to hear that.
A sad B sorry C angry
( )11.What’s wrong __________you?
A for B to C with
( )12.How do you _____________?
A feel B feeling C feels

A: Good morning, Tom.
B: __________________________, Mike.
A: You don’t look well. ____________________________________________?
B: Well, yes. I ______________________headache.
A: Do _________________a fever?
B: No, ________________.
A: Do you take some medicine?
B: Yes, ___________________.
A: _______________a rest and you will feel ______________.

A: ______________are you?
B: I am ten years old. _________________?
A:I am twelve. I am two years _____________than you.
B: _______________are you?
A: I am 1.6 metres. _______________?
B: I am 1.62 meters. I am ________________taller than you.
A: You are right.
I ________________________yesterday.
Don’t ____________________others.
I think foreigners are _________________________Chinese.
Last week we _________________________and had a good time.
Shall we ________________________?
I am very _______________because I will ______________________Beijing.
____________you _____________________last night?
When ___________you __________________?
Two little boys go to a cinema(电影院), buy the tickets and go in. But after two minutes they come out, buy two more tickets and go in again. After some minutes they come out again and buy two more tickets. The girl in the ticket office says to them at last(最后), “Why are you buying all these tickets? Do you meet many friends here?”
“No, We don’t.” answer the two boys. “But a big woman always stops(阻止)us at the door and tears(撕)our tickets.” The girl smiles(笑) and sells them two more tickets.
判断正误, 正确的写上T, 错的写上F
( )1.Two little boys go to see a film one day.
( )2.Two little boys sell tickets.
( )3.They buys tickets three times(次).
( )4.They meet many friends in the cinema.
( )5.The woman is a worker in the cinema.


是哪一版的,自己好好学习啊 ,多练多读很有用的。

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