
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:38:17


Dragon Boat Festival will be the fall of the Ching Ming Festival as a statutory holiday,the holiday canceled 51
Adjusted according to the statutory holiday program "to allow the wrong weekend to move with the formation of a statutory holiday break even." Provisions of the Ching Ming Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival holiday for three days of the 51 (of which day of the statutory holidays and Sundays for two days) 51 to replace the original seven days (including statutory holidays for three days,four days Sunday).The program can say "happy few,a few worries." Personnel to work in the field school students would like to take this long to go home and go out to travel,to eliminate long,these plans will come to nothing,they first expressed their opposition.It does not matter other personnel.

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