谁来帮我作几道英语题1. 【72579】 When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _____ to adjust to the way of life there.A. difficultB. difficultyC. the difficultyD. it difficult2. 【72695】 They _____

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 05:12:00

谁来帮我作几道英语题1. 【72579】 When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _____ to adjust to the way of life there.A. difficultB. difficultyC. the difficultyD. it difficult2. 【72695】 They _____
【72579】 When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _____ to adjust to the way of life there.
A. difficult
B. difficulty
C. the difficulty
D. it difficult
【72695】 They _____ several extra bus lines during the rush hours.
A. get
B. have
C. run
D. take
【72738】 There _____ a TV set and a number of chairs in the sitting room.
A. are
B. being
C. were
D. is
【72839】 He keeps on with physical training in winter _____ cold it is.
A. whatever
B. no matter how
C. whether or not
D. although
【72881】 You are so busy recently.I do wish you _____ with me for a while.
A. could stay
B. stay
C. will stay
D. will be staying
【72888】 I haven't yet had time to think over the proposals _____ at the last meeting.
A. which made
B. that were made them
C. that were made
D. which made them
【72901】 Now that I'm only working part time,I have a hard time making _____ meet.
A. hands
B. arms
C. days
D. ends
【72903】 In my country people never leave tips.So when I first went abroad,I kept forgetting to tip waiters.I felt really _____.
A. depressed
B. embarrassed
C. upset
D. helpless
【73111】 The doctor suggested that the patient _____ on a diet but he couldn't resist the temptation of rich food.
A. goes
B. go
C. went
D. gone
【92775】 If my project isn't _____ of by the headmaster,all my work will have been wasted.
A. disapproved
B. approved
C. disapproval
D. approval

谁来帮我作几道英语题1. 【72579】 When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _____ to adjust to the way of life there.A. difficultB. difficultyC. the difficultyD. it difficult2. 【72695】 They _____