请分析此句句子成分"It is an intellect to which one still listens."“to which"和"one"什么关系?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:02:33

请分析此句句子成分"It is an intellect to which one still listens."“to which"和"one"什么关系?
请分析此句句子成分"It is an intellect to which one still listens."“to which"和"one"什么关系?

请分析此句句子成分"It is an intellect to which one still listens."“to which"和"one"什么关系?
to which one still listens 是intellect 的从句.
which 代表的是intellect, one 是从句的主语,正常语序是one still listens to which ,这句话的意思是“他是一个智商很高的人,现在人们还是听他的.”
没有上下文,我就把intellect 理解为“高智商的人”了,不知道对不对,你看看上下文再定吧!

to是跟listen搭配.listen to

one 是状语主语,to which是状语的谓语

one 是特指it的

请分析此句句子成分It is an intellect to which one still listens.“to which和one什么关系? 请求英语高手分析句子成分Did you know an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks?麻烦翻译此句,并分析when 的用法,还有,approaching 与 breaks 的区别,以及Long before 修饰谁? it is the heart afraid of breaking 求句子成分分析it is the heart afraid of breaking 此句中afraid of breaking 担任什么成分谢谢 I learn to use the computer everyday 分析句子成分分析一下此句的句子成分,说细一点, 求分析此句的句子成分I'm capable of doing what i should do perfectly. It is high time you had a rest 请将此句语法结构分析一下 请帮忙分析此句结构i find it difficult to finish this task. It is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.请高手分析下这个句子成分? I can do it.分析下句子成分, i feel it necessary 的句子成分分析下为啥不是 it is necessary 请分析句子成分 It does not matter who it is I am talking to.谢谢cindystone的答案,可否说得具体一点呢? 请高手分析句子成分I'll go on an outing with some friends. It' an old saying thatIt is not that you say but what you say it what matters.句子成分分析 I'm trying not to get it wet.请句子成分分析一下 请大虾们给分析个句子成分,感谢哈!I always find it helpful to put some ideas on index card .这句子的成分怎么划分!下面这句对不对:I always find it is helpful to put some ideas on index card .这两者是不是都对 It is honesty that makes her different from the other students?请帮忙分析此句结构 请帮忙分析此句结构 :It is honesty that makes her different from the other students?请问that 在此句中所引导的是什么从句 请高手分析一下句子成分:I like listeing to pop music.此处为啥用listenin↗g