
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:45:52


Dear Li Ming,
I am awfully (非常)sorry for the problem you have mentioned in your letter.
Network addiction not only destroys your health and affects your health, but also hurts your parents’ feelings. In the long run, you will lose confidence and goal for the future. I am glad that you have realized the danger of such addiction. As a friend, I have several advices for you. Firstly, whenever you want to surf the net, go to do some sports, such as running and playing basketball. If it is night, you can’t help touching the computer, listen to music. Maybe you can dance at the same time. Secondly, I think you need to make friends. Get in touch with old friends and your classmates, join their activities frequently. As long as you feel life is full of fun and wonder, you will be no longer lonely and boring. The temptation(诱惑) of net will be reduced.
In a word, I do hope you can give up the network addiction and resume(恢复) to your normal(正常) life and study as soon as possible. Please keep in mind, I am you friend, I will be here whenever you need.
Yours sincerely,

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