帮忙编一个英语对话,初二水平的,要求进来看.A:You have a bad cold today.You also have a headache and cough a lot.Describe how you feel to your partner and ask for suggestions.B:You’re A’s classmate.Give your partner some useful ad

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:41:42

帮忙编一个英语对话,初二水平的,要求进来看.A:You have a bad cold today.You also have a headache and cough a lot.Describe how you feel to your partner and ask for suggestions.B:You’re A’s classmate.Give your partner some useful ad
A:You have a bad cold today.You also have a headache and cough a lot.Describe how you feel to your partner and ask for suggestions.
B:You’re A’s classmate.Give your partner some useful advice.
能不能多几句话啊 每个人最少7,8句呢,口语考试要用啊

帮忙编一个英语对话,初二水平的,要求进来看.A:You have a bad cold today.You also have a headache and cough a lot.Describe how you feel to your partner and ask for suggestions.B:You’re A’s classmate.Give your partner some useful ad
A:(you -y )(he -h )
h :what's wrong with you you looks so tired .
y :i got a cold yesterday .
h :are you go to see a doctor
y :yes .he said that i got a headache and caught .he ask me to have a good rest and take medicine on time .
h :you should listen what the doctor said
y :i agree with you
h :how are you feeling now
y :i feeling much better than yesterday
h :oh .take care next time .i hope you will be well soon
y :thank you

B:What's wrong with you ?
A:I have a bad cold today . And also have a headache and cough a lot .
B:Oh ,it's so serious . How are you freeing now ?
A:I free very bad . I fell very cold .


B:What's wrong with you ?
A:I have a bad cold today . And also have a headache and cough a lot .
B:Oh ,it's so serious . How are you freeing now ?
A:I free very bad . I fell very cold .
B:You should have a rest and take some medicine on time .If you also fell bad ,you will look doctor .
A:Thank you .I will do follow those .


帮忙编一个英语对话,初二水平的,要求进来看.A:You have a bad cold today.You also have a headache and cough a lot.Describe how you feel to your partner and ask for suggestions.B:You’re A’s classmate.Give your partner some useful ad 帮忙编一段英语对话(4人)初二水平有急用,在一天内关于学习英语的 帮忙编一个对话(英语的)初一水平四人的, talking about events in the past要求编一个两人,一人至少十句的对话,水平在初二下,急用! 英语编故事编一个和兔子有关的故事,初二的水平,要自己编的. 需要帮助一道初二英语的补全对话.能帮忙的大神进来吱一声我给题吧~ 英语高手帮忙编辑一个对话请帮忙编辑一段关于西方节日的英文对话,要求对话中要有与中国节日的特征比较,还要有一些观点,水平是大一!由于是4个人的对话, 编一个相似的对话 英语怎么说 编一个买东西的对话 用英语 请高手帮忙编一个关于节日的英语对话,必有重谢~ 求高手帮忙编英语对话每人60句,初一水平的,我急着要参加比赛的 英语情景对话 talk about your favorite belonging这是我们英语口语考试中的一个题目,要求是两人对话,一分多钟就够了,麻烦英语达人帮忙编个稿子.不好意思,应该是belongings,就是谈谈自己的最喜欢的 帮忙编一段4人英语对话有两个题目一个是在火车上的对话一个是关于我喜欢的和我不喜欢的要求单词不要太生僻单词数不超过200个 帮忙编个旅游方面的4个人英语对话. 英语应聘对话要求:三个考官,一个应聘者,共四个人;高中大学水平的对话 急,帮忙编一个情景:四个人谈论自己做好的朋友.要求是英语对话谢谢(25号十二点之前个给分,过期不候)是谈论自己最好的朋友。打错字了 要求5分钟以上 初一英语go shopping编一个英语对话 谁能帮我写一个范文初一水平的就行 英语好的来帮忙,编一小段对话.追加30分.1.Are you a victim of ads?Talk about your experiences of being cheated by a sale advertisement.要求两个人的对话,不要求水平太高,简单点就行,时间能到4分钟就差不多了.急