
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:02:29


【1】Wujiang is a modern city.
It is very near,suzhou to take a bus to suzhou just about half an hour.
It is beautiful and clean,was a good place to travel.
【2】Wu is a modern city.
it is from suzhou very close,and to take a bus to suzhou just about half an hour.
it is beautiful and clean,was a good place to travel.
【3】Wujiang is a modern city.
It is very close from Suzhou,take the bus to Suzhou takes about half an hour.
It is beautiful and clean,is a good place to travel.

1Wujiang is a modern city
2It is close from Suzhou, Suzhou by bus takes about half an hour to
3It is beautiful and clean, is a good place for tourism

1. Wujiang is a modern city.
2. It is very close to Suzhou, about half a hour by bus.
3. It is a good place to travel, which is beautiful and clean.

Wujiang is a a modern city .
It is very close to Suzhou, it takes about half an hour to get there by bus.
It is beautiful and clean,and it is a good place for journey.

1.Wujiang is a morden city.
2.It near Shuzhou,it take only about half an hour to Shuzhou by bus.
3.It is beautiful and clean ,and a good destination for a trip.

Wujiang is a modern city.
It is very close to Suzhou, and it only costs about hailf an hour to be Suzhou by bus.
It is beaut...


Wujiang is a modern city.
It is very close to Suzhou, and it only costs about hailf an hour to be Suzhou by bus.
It is beautiful and clean, and it is a good place to visit.


1. Wujiang is a modern city.
2.it is close to Suzhou, it will take only half hour to Sunzhou by bus.
3.It is clean and beautiful, a wonderful place for traveling.

1.Wujiang is a modern city.
2.It is very near to Suzhou and it only takes about half an hour to get there by bus.
3. Beautiful and clean,it is a nice place to vist.

英语翻译1吴江是一个现代化的城市.2它离苏州很近,乘公交车到苏州只需大约半小时.3它美丽而洁净,是个旅游的好地方. 英语翻译句子:一个充满生机与活力的现代化城市 英语翻译句子:一个充满生机与活力的现代化城市 英语翻译居住区绿地规划设计是绿地规划设计的重要组成部分,它对提高居民生活环境质量,增进居民的身心健康至关重要.居住区的绿化水平,是体现城市现代化的一个重要标志.随着城市现代 深圳已经变成了一个现代化城市 英语翻译 江苏省苏州市的《吴江》,是吴江区?还是吴江市? 英语翻译台北市是一个非常现代化的城市.它有着世界上最高的大楼台北101台北的小吃 很有特色台北虽然是个很繁忙的城市但是太被你空气很清新在台北 人人素质都不错如果你想去台北 找我 我的家乡从前是一个小城镇这里人口不多我的家乡发生了巨大的变化它变成了一座现代化的美丽城市花草随处可见城市中心有一间大型的购物中心 请根据下列提示向大家介绍深圳这个城市,可适当发挥,60词以上.内容提示:1、深圳位于中国的南部2、30多年前它只是一个小村庄,现在是一个现代化的城市3、景点包括:锦绣中华(Splendid China 深圳的城市现代化怎么样 英语翻译重庆,是我的家乡,是一个美丽而又现代化的城市,他有着悠久的历史文化底蕴和令人折服的优美风情.重庆夏季气温非常高,它可是“三大火炉”之一,重庆周围围绕着跌宕起伏的山,早上 城市给了我们什么 请从文章第四段找出一个能体现说明文语言“准确”特点的词语并体会城市的魅力还在于它的巨大的经济效益.因为城市是工商业的中心,城市拥有现代化的公路、铁路、航 城市给了我们什么 请从文章第四段找出一个能体现说明文语言“准确”特点的词语并体会城市的魅力还在于它的巨大的经济效益.因为城市是工商业的中心,城市拥有现代化的公路、铁路、航 英语翻译家乡的改变将会给我们带来现代的生活这优美的环境给发展带来了许多优势香港是一个高楼林立的现代化城市 成都田园城市的作文我心中的现代化田园城市是什么样的? 如何理解西安既是古老的城市又是现代化的城市? 英语翻译新余是江西的一个城市. 英语翻译新余是江西的一个城市.