帮写一篇英语作文protect our hometown1、要把废气排出加入新鲜空气2、尽量在场内种植花草文中要出现:in the past、make money、build up、Do harm to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:10:52

帮写一篇英语作文protect our hometown1、要把废气排出加入新鲜空气2、尽量在场内种植花草文中要出现:in the past、make money、build up、Do harm to
帮写一篇英语作文protect our hometown
文中要出现:in the past、make money、build up、Do harm to

帮写一篇英语作文protect our hometown1、要把废气排出加入新鲜空气2、尽量在场内种植花草文中要出现:in the past、make money、build up、Do harm to
Some of the factories in our hometown have always been released their waste gases into the fresh air and we can see clouds of fumes in the sky over us.It is said that that our hometown was a clean and beautiful city (in the past).The sky was blue,the trees were emerald green and birds liked to inhabit here.However,since large numbers of factories were (build up),the sky has kissed the gree good-bye,the trees has lost their spirits and few birds can be seen over our head.They has not paid attention to protect our circumstance while risking their life to (make money).We can not in the least hold with such a phenomenon any longer and we should stop them from draining contamination that it (do harm to) our health.On the other had,we townsfolk ought to go into action to grow more flowers and plants to purify the air around us so as to protect our hometown.

in the past、make money、build up、Do harm toin the past、make money、build up、Do harm toin the past、make money、build up、Do harm toin the past、make money、build up、Do harm toin the past、make money、build up、...


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