划分句子结构五个She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.主谓宾表定状……【 She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.Th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:22:32

划分句子结构五个She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.主谓宾表定状……【 She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.Th
划分句子结构五个She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.
She is beautiful./She is a student.
His face turn red.他的脸变红了.
Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.
The music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很美.
Tom is doing his homework

划分句子结构五个She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.主谓宾表定状……【 She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.Th
1、She is beautiful./She is a student.她很漂亮./ 她是名学生.
主语:she 系动词:is 表语:beautiful\a student
2、His face turns red.他的脸变红了.
主:his face 系动词:turns 表:red
3、Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.
主:your coat 系动词:looks 表:nice
4、The music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很美.
主:the music 系动词:sounds 表:beautiful
5、Tom is doing his homework.汤姆正在写作业.
主:Tom 谓语:is doing 宾语:his(定语) homework


She 是主语is是系动词 beautiful.是表语
/She 是主语is是系动词a student.是表语
His 是定语face是主语 turns 是系动词 red.是表语 。

Your 是定语coat是主语 looks是系动词 nice是表语。

The music 是主语 sounds是系动词beautiful是表语。


She 是主语is是系动词 beautiful.是表语
/She 是主语is是系动词a student.是表语
His 是定语face是主语 turns 是系动词 red.是表语 。

Your 是定语coat是主语 looks是系动词 nice是表语。

The music 是主语 sounds是系动词beautiful是表语。

Tom是主语 is doing是谓语 his 是定语homework是宾语


划分句子结构五个She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.主谓宾表定状……【 She is beautiful./She is a student.His face turn red.他的脸变红了.Your coat looks nice.你的外套看起来很漂亮.Th 如何划分句子结构 英语句子结构划分 THere is an old man coming here划分句子结构 划分下面句子的成分:1:She is from Canada.2:Where is she from? the most surprising thing about it is that she ithe most surprising thing about it is that she is a pretty girl 划分句子结构 about.it.这儿不是很理解 英语怎样划分句子结构? 句子结构一般怎么划分 文言文划分结构文言文的句子怎么划分结构? she is going camping是不是主系表结构,如果不是该怎么划分成人份 she also warned them about the risk of sharing personal informaiton.这句话句子结构怎样划分?我对接有介词的动词的句子就不太会划分. 句子结构分析:she is halfway through the preparation year. Take whatever action is needed.这个句子结构如何 怎么划分 The word itself is very important.划分句子结构?(itself做什么成分) 英语划分句子的成分初二习题!1.I want a house .2.She is a teacher .3.This is my handbag .4.He smiled.5.Peter likes English very much .6.The sun rises early in the east .这些帮忙划分一下句子结构!1.It really sounds great .2.The b 满井游记句子结构划分 Tom likes apples划分句子结构 We are both quiet.划分句子结构