
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:42:08


David has had such a terrible time this year that he should be in The Guinness Book of Records.The trouble s_______ one morning last January when David found that his car gone from outside his house.He hasn't seen it s_______.
In February David won $200000 on the football polls.But his j_______ didn't last long -he had forgetten to p______ the ticket to the company .In March he bought a new car ,but he hadn't had it more than a week when someone crashed into the b______ of it.Two days ago David sat on a seat that someone had finished p_______ only minutes before .He had on the new t______ that he had bought only the week before.
August has been the w_____ month so far this year .David spent three days of his holiday at the airport because of the stikers(罢工).When he arrived home ,he d_______ that someone had broken into his house .His video-recorder and TV had disppeared.
David doesn't know what he has done to have all this bad l______.He just hopes things will change .


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was 14, I was 1 nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often 2 me. I was sad but could do n...


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was 14, I was 1 nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often 2 me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, something happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take part in it. What a(n) 3 idea! It meant I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school!
“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 4 .” Then, Mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to 5 all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. 6 my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could 7 believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those 8 who once looked down on (瞧不起)me, now all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried 9 .
10 then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell myself to be confident.
1. A. so B. too C. very D. quite
2. A. made faces at B. looked after
C. caught up with D. laughed at
3. A. interesting B. exciting C. terrible D. wonderful
4. A. win B. lose C. beat D. pass
5. A. remember B. see C. spell D. hear
6. A. At B. To C. With D. As
7. A. almost B. nearly C. ever D. hardly
8. A. teachers B. classmates C. boys D. girls
9. A. angrily B. sadly C. quietly D. excitedly
10. A. Since B. Except C. From D. Before
Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautiful eyes. But she always hides them 1 a pair of black glasses .
One day, however, I 2 ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly. We were 3 in the classroom . The teacher was giving us our results of a Chinese exam . I had done badly .I felt so 4 that I wouldn’t talk to anyone. At lunchtime, I even stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly, I heard a 5 . It was Vanilla.“You look very unhappy”,she said.“What’s wrong?”I looked her for a while ,but said 6 . I knew Vanilla got a good mark(分数) in the exam. I thought she was 7 me . I sat silently, but Vanilla didn’t go away ,she 8 asking me questions: “Is it because of the exam ? Do you want me to tell you the right 9 ?”I looked away from her. When I looked up again ,Vanilla had gone. And so had my exam paper ! I didn’t know 10 to do. I looked for my paper everywhere ,but couldn’t find it.
In the afternoon, Vanilla came up to my desk and 11 me my exam paper back . I looked at it and got a big 12 . Vanilla had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes . How 13 She was! My face turned red . I wanted to hug her, but I only held her hands and said,“Thank you .” That afternoon, 14 Vanilla and I were on the way home, I felt quite happy and thanked her again . We are 15 best friends.
( )1. A. behind B. below C. among D. near
( )2. A. slowly B. quickly C. nearly D. happily
( )3. A. singing B sitting C. dancing D. playing
( )4. A. happy B. sad C. funny D. excited
( )5. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. cry
( )6. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing
( )7. A. knocking at B. shouting at C. laughing at D. pointing at
( )8. A. forget B. kept C. practiced D. remembered
( )9. A. answers B. exams C. results D. notes
( )10. A. that B. who C. which D. what
( )11. A. gave B. turned C. carried D. moved
( )12. A. pain B. interest C. surprise D. fun
( )13. A. kind B. brave C. healthy D. careless
( )14. A. whether B. when C. after D. unless
( )15. A. still B. yet C. also D. ever


Mr White is a member of his office. He’s ____1____ and can easily deal with all kinds of matters. So he’s always ___2____ more than his workmates. Of course he’s often ___3__ and has no time to do the...


Mr White is a member of his office. He’s ____1____ and can easily deal with all kinds of matters. So he’s always ___2____ more than his workmates. Of course he’s often ___3__ and has no time to do the housework. His wife ____4___ him well and does all at home.
____5____ ! their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be____6___. Now Mrs. White to look after her there ____7_____ she can’t go home. Mr. White often eats something in the restaurant. As he ___8____ did some cleaning, the rooms were all disorderly(零乱不堪).
Yesterday morning, before Mr. White got up, the telephone ____9____. He sat up to answer it. His friend told him to ___10____ an important telephone number down. But he could find ___11___ a piece of paper. He found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he ____12___ it and went to work. Two hours later ____13____ came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husband came in while she was ____14___ the table. He couldn’t ___15____ the number on the table and called out angrily, “Who let you clean the table?”
1. A. important B. strong C. good D. able
2. A. helped B. thought C. paid D. asked
3. A. busy B. quiet C. lazy D. happy
4. A. sees B. knows C. misses D. takes care of
5. A. Well B. Once C. What’s more D. Bad luck
6. A. in hospital B. outside C. in bed D. in time
7. A. but B. or C. while D. and
8. A. not B. never C. almost D. often
9. A. shouted B. spoke C. rang D. called
10. A. write B. remember C. understand D. use
11. A. either a pen or B. neither a pen nor C. both a pen and D. not only a pen but
12. A. forgot B. read C. took D. threw
13. A. he B. his friend C. his wife D. his daughter
14. A. brushing B. walking in C. leaving D. cleaning
15. A. find out B. listen to C. see D. write
Bill loved to scube dive. He loved to be in the _____1___ water. He loved to watch the beautiful plants and ___2____.
One Saturday afternoon Bill was scuba diving near the Florida coast(海滨). He was ___3___ some beautiful fish. Suddenly, the water pulled ___4___ down. Bill tried to swim up, but he failed.
Bill looked down and ___5____ a huge pipe(管道). It was about 16 feet across(直径). The pipe was __6___ the sea floor. The water was pulling Bill into the pipe. Again, Bill tried to swim up, again, he failed.
A few moments later, Bill was inside the pipe. The water was ____7____ pulling him. Whre was he going? What was at the end of the pipe?
Then Bill remembered: There ___8___ a big factory nearby. The pipe went straight to the factory. Bill ___9___ there was probably a pump(抽水机)at the end of the pipe. Then he felt afraid.
For four long minutes, Bill was in the pipe. He could see ___10___. Everything was black. Then Bill saw something blue. ___11___ was it? It was blue sky! Bill was out of the ___12____ ! he was in a pool of water at the factory.
____13____, there was no pump at the end of the pipe. There was only a pool of water.
A worker at the factory ____14____ Bill out of the water. Bill had a few cuts on his legs and arms, __15___ he was not really hurt.
1. A. hot B.cold C. deep D. clear
2. A. flowers B. fish C. trees D. birds
3. A. looking at B. looking after C. looking over D.looking up
4. A. the fish B. him C. the plants D. her
5. A. sees B. saw C. seeing D. to see
6. A. to B. on C. at D. under
7. A. still B. even C. only D. also
8. A. is B. were C. are D. was
9. A. asked B. found C. believed D. thought
10. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
11. A. When B. Where C. What D. How
12. A.house B. factory C. water D. pipe
13. A.Luckily B. Unluckily C. Surprisingly D. Badly
14. A. put B. pressed C. pulled D. pushed
15. A. and B. or C. but D. so


Here we shall find ____1__a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger.We shall___2___a mother bear and her young baby they look for ___3___and get ready for winter sleep.We shall watc...


Here we shall find ____1__a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger.We shall___2___a mother bear and her young baby they look for ___3___and get ready for winter sleep.We shall watch bees danving in the air to let other bees know where they can find flowers.I will show you many other intereting things,but the___4___thing that I can__5__you is to keep your eyes and ears__6__when you go out of doors.Nature tells her secrets___7___to those who look and listen carefully.
1, A,why B,when C,where D,how
2, A,hear B,follow C,catch D,help
3, A,food B,snow C,vegetables D,water
4, A,best B,worst C,latest D,hardest
5, A,make B,keep C,give D,teach
6, A,closed B,safe C,open D,clean
7, A,but B,all C,also D,only
第二空:hear是听- -不是看到.hear还有个意思是得知,了解到(消息)..低级错误..help和catch用在这里也明显是错误的(谁会去惹熊)..所以相比之下follow is appropirate~~

The recent milk crisis around the country has seen liquid milk sold by three leading companies contaminated (污染) with melamine (三聚氰胺).
Melamine is a chemical that is usually used to make plastics, but is 1 in the food industry. It was put in the milk to make milk appear rich in protein in 2 tests.
Tests of last Thursday showed that products from 22 of the 109 milk food firms have 3 the quality tests of the General administration of Quality supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (国家质检总局). 24 of the 1,202 batches批次 of liquid milk were contaminated. Besides Hebeibased Sanlu Group, the firms whose products are contaminated include such 4 giants as the Yili and Mengniu groups. All the bad milk will be 5 and destroyed.
However, scientists were quoted as saying the contamination level in liquid milk did not pose a big threat to people's 6 . Even milk with the highest concentration of melamine is 7 for a 60-kilogram or heavier adult if he or she drinks up to 2 liters a day.
The administration has ordered a thorough investigation into all the firms with 8 and said quality control officers would be sent to all 1,500 dairy farms in the country to carry out 9 .
So next time you buy milk, take a look at its 10 name.
1. A. banned B. encouraged C. added D. admitted
2. A. quantity B. quality C. blood D. industry
3. A. passed B. refused C. stood D. failed
4. A. sports B. jewellery C. dairy D. medicine
5. A. recalled B. transformed C. reuated D. replaced
6. A. sight B. brain C. health D. intelligence
7. A. helpful B. harmful C. safe D. normal
8. A. crimes B. conclusions C. possibilities D. problems
9. A. plans B. inspections C. promises D. orders
10. A. brand B. pattern C. label D. edition
答案:1. A 据下文“被三聚氰胺污染的牛奶在质量检查中是不合格的”可知三聚氰胺是禁止在食物中使用的。
2. B 显然这里是指质量检查。
3. D 据上下文及意境可知,这些奶制品在未能通过质检。
4. C 伊利、蒙牛公司是制奶业界的巨头。
5. A 所有问题牛奶将被回收(recall)和销毁。
6. C 这里是整体而言,对人们的健康不会构成威胁,而不是对人体的某个部位。
7. C 既然对人们的健康不会构成威胁,那就是安全了。
8. D 要检查的当然是有问题的牛奶了。
9. B 派出官员对牛奶场进行检查(inspections)。
10. A 下次买牛奶时,记得看一下所购买的品牌(brand)。

