
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:50:34


Walt Disney Pictures has released a new photo of Ian McShane as the notorious Blackbeard in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Directed by Rob Marshall and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, the fourth installment in the fantasy-adventure franchise features the return of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, joined by Geoffrey Rush, Penelope Cruz, McShane, Astrid Berges-Frisbey, Kevin R. McNally, Sam Claflin and Keith Richards. Here’s the official synopsis:
Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed adventure. Crossing paths with the enigmatic Angelica (Penelope Cruz), he’s not sure if it’s love — or if she’s a ruthless con artist who’s using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the “Queen Anne’s Revenge,” the ship of the legendary pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn’t know whom to fear more: Blackbeard or Angelica, with whom he shares a mysterious past. The international cast includes franchise vets Geoffrey Rush as the vengeful Captain Hector Barbossa and Kevin R. McNally as Captain Jack’s longtime comrade Joshamee Gibbs, plus Sam Claflin as a stalwart missionary and Astrid Berges-Frisbey as a mysterious mermaid.Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) finds himself on an unexpected journey to the fabled Fountain of Youth when a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz) forces him aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane).
迪士尼近日发布了《加勒比海盗4》(Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides)中新登场的重要角色“黑胡子”(Blackbeard)的照片.这一角色由伊恩·迈克肖恩(Ian McShane)扮演,他是“安娜女王复仇号”的船长,也是臭名昭著的海盗.他的女儿安杰莉卡 (佩内洛普·克鲁兹) 正是杰克船长的老相好.
《加勒比海盗4》将于5月20日上映,故事讲述了杰克船长被英国国王乔治二世(King George II)抓住,受命去寻找传说中的“青春泉”,与他一同前往的还有他的老朋友巴博萨船长.这趟航程出师不顺,杰克船长再次遇到了他的老相好安杰莉卡(佩内洛普·克鲁兹),他不清楚她究竟是真的爱自己,还是在利用自己以寻找“青春泉”.不过杰克还是被迫上了她的贼船,和她的父亲—臭名昭著的海盗“黑胡子” (伊恩·迈克肖恩) 一起乘着“安娜女王复仇号” (Queen Anne"s Revenge) 展开了前途叵测的冒险之旅.
James Cameron has spoken frequently about his intention to turn his mega-hit Avatar into a trilogy. Now, according to the director himself speaking at the PGA Awards on Saturday, those two sequels have release dates.
Cameron tells EW, “I am in the process of writing the next two Avatar films now. We are planning to shoot them together and post them together, and we will probably release them not quite back to back, but about a year apart. Christmas ’14 and ’15 is the current plan.” Of course, it’s probably best to take those release dates with a grain of salt, since the first Avatar had several release dates before its December 2009 release. Still, now fans know that they’ll have to wait at least three more years for a return to Pandora.
Cameron also notes that we’ll see some familiar faces return. “Basically, if you survived the first film, you get to be in the second film, at least in some form,” say the director. One thing’s for sure: some percentage of the presumably-massive Avatar sequel gross will go to charity. “Fox has partnered with me to donate a chunk of the profits to environmental causes that are at the heart of the Avatar world,” says the director. “I didn’t want to make more Avatar movies without a grander plan in place.”
詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)最近向《娱乐周刊》(EW)表示,《阿凡达》(Avatar)的两部续集中将会有很多第一部里的老面孔回归.他说:“基本上,只要你在第一集里活了下来,就会在第二部里出现,至少是以某种方式出现.” 此前(去年2月)卡梅隆还透露,由西格妮·韦弗(Sigourney Weaver)扮演的格蕾丝博士并没有死,她也将以某种方式出现在续集里.
目前卡梅隆正在创作《阿凡达2、3》(Avatar 2&3)的剧本,这两部影片将一同拍摄、一起后期制作,然后分别在2014年12月上映和2015年12月上映.
MOSCOW, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least 31 people were killed and over 130 were injured in an explosion at Moscow's Domodedovo airport on Monday, the Russian Health Ministry said.
The Russian Investigative Committee's Transport Investigative Department has confirmed that an explosion occurred at Domodedovo Airport's luggage reclaim zone at the international arrivals terminal.
"According to available information, an explosion occurred at Domodedovo's arrivals hall at 16:22 Moscow time (1322 GMT)," a spokeswoman for the investigation committee, Tatyana Morozova, said.
The preliminary reports suggest that it might be a suicide bombing, a source told local media.
The Health Ministry said among the 130 injured, 20 are in serious condition.
Eyewitnesses said there is a heavy smoke at the Moscow airport and the entry from the arrivals zone has been closed.
A source said the blast was equivalent to some 5 kg of TNT.
Moscow police has tightened the security in the city's other airports and metro system.
Americans might like to visit Miami but few of them want to live there, a new poll by Zogby International shows.
Only three percent of respondents chose Miami when asked which of eight major U.S. cities they would like to live in. San Francisco led the pack with 13 percent followed by Chicago, Orlando, New York, Las Vegas and Houston.
Forty-nine percent of those surveyed had an unfavorable view of Miami, with a fear of crime dominating the reasons for people's negative impressions. Two thirds of those surveyed agreed with the statement "Miami is plagued by crime."
"Miami has a very good reputation as a vacation spot but it has had for a couple of decades a rough opinion when it comes to crime," said Fritz Wenzel, the director of communications for Zogby International.
"Crime is a major consideration when people think about where they would want to live," he added in an interview.
Wenzel said Miami has also taken a bit of a hit because of the housing bubble bursting and troubles in the real estate market.
"I really think that is short lived but it could also be contributing to its low ratings as a place for people to relocate," he explained.
2月11日,旅客在南京长途汽车总站广场候车.当日,南京市迎来降雪,苏北线、苏东线、大西线客运全部受阻,造成大量旅客滞留.On February 11, the passenger waits for a train in the Nanjing long-distance bus main terminal square.Same day, Nanjing welcomes snows, the northern Jiangsu line, the Soviet east line, the big west line passenger transportation is blocked completely, creates the massive passengers to be detained.
据防务新闻网站2010年2月8日报道 根据印度国防部门官员介绍,印度将对其位于东印度洋的安达曼岛链和尼科巴岛链上的武器装备和军事设施进行升级,此举意在增强对抗中国的防御力量.According to the defense news website on February 8, 2010 reported introduced according to the Indian National defense Department officials, India will be located the East India ocean to it the Anda graceful island chain and on the Nepali Cobar island chain weaponry and the military installation carries on the promotion, this act will intend to the enhancement to resist China's defense strength.
.2010年2月11日下午2点13中环路高架外圈杨高南路出口发生车祸,一辆银灰色的福特轿车冲破施工隔离桩,撞上了停在施工区域内的面包车.事故波及正在高架上安装隔离墩消音板的一个工作小组,导致2名工人当场身亡,另有8人不同程度受伤.事发后,驾福特车肇事的年轻女子被带往警署接受调查.今天上午,其中一名重伤工人经抢救无效身亡.Intermediate ring road high structure addendum circle Yang Gaona the road export has the traffic accident, a silver-gray Ford passenger vehicle breaks through the construction isolation pile, hit has stopped in the construction region the van.The accident affects on the high structure to install the isolation pillar deafen board a work team, causes 2 workers to die on the scene, and some 8 human of varying degrees are injured.After the matter sends, harnesses the young female who the Ford vehicle cause troubles to take the police headquarters to accept the investigation.This morning, severely wounded worker invalid died after the rescue.
The perception of the city as a den of criminals extended into people's thoughts about Miami's economy. Respondents said they thought illegal activities were the second largest segment of city's economy after tourism.
Zobgy conducted the online poll between January 18 and 21.
The sweep of New Orleans for the last voluntary evacuees is nearly complete, authorities say, with officers ready to carry out the mayor's order to forcibly remove the thousands of holdouts. "It's getting to the point where they're delirious," Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Jason Rule said. "A couple of them don't know who they were." He says some don't want to leave unless they can take their pets.
新奥尔良市为最后一批自愿撤离的人所做的清理工作已基本完成,当局说,政府官员已准备好执行市长的命令强制疏散几千名滞留者.“显然他们都乱了套,”海岸警戒首席士官Jason Rule说,“很多人都不知道自己是谁了.”他说有些人甚至不带上自己的宠物就决不离开.