
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:50:41


Secret (2007 film)
Secret,also known by its translation The Secret That Cannot Be Told,is a 2007 Taiwanese romance film.It is the directorial debut feature film of Taiwanese musician Jay Chou,who also stars in and co-wrote the movie.
The film has won several awards,including The 2007 44th Golden Horse Award,Best Visual Effects,The Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year,and Best Original Film Song.
Ye Xianglun,a music student majoring in piano,transfers to Tamkang (Danjiang) Secondary School.It is a school famous for musically talented students,especially for those who play piano.On the first day of school,as he wanders through the piano building,he hears a mysterious melody being played that leads him to Lu Xiaoyu,another piano major.When he asks her about the song she was playing,she tells him that it is a secret that cannot be told.The two develop a relationship that is clouded in mystery.When Xianglun tells Xiaoyu of the demolition of the piano building on graduation day,she teaches him the song that he heard on the first day of school.
However,when a mis-passed note leads to Xianglun's accidental kissing of another girl,Xiaoyu disappears for five months,only to return on graduation day and mysteriously disappear again.Xianglun asks around and discovers that Xiaoyu was actually a student from the class of 1979,who graduated 20 years ago.His father tells him the story of Xiaoyu,who claimed she time traveled to the present via a piece called "Secret" that she played on an old piano in the piano building.She had fallen in love with Xianglun,but the only barrier is that,in the present,the first person she sees on each trip is the only person that can see her.
When Xiaoyu was misled that Xianglun liked another girl,she returned to her time,1979 for five months.During her absence,her story spread and everyone believed that she was crazy.Remembering that the piano room would be destroyed on graduation day of 1999,she tried time traveling to see Xianglun one last time,but was mislead once again that he liked another girl.Xiaoyu retreats back to her own time and fainted half way through due to an asthma attack,while trying to communicate with Xianglun via writing on a desk with white out.
After finally learning of Xiaoyu's story,Xianglun realizes that the piece that she taught him was "Secret",which had the power to take the pianist forward or backward in time depending on the tempo at which it is played.He rushes off to the piano room,which is ready to be torn down.As the demolition begins,Xianglun begins "Secret" from memory,recalling something Xiaoyu told him while teaching him the piece:"I always play it that fast when I go back".Just before the piano room is completely destroyed,Xianglun travels back to 1979.He sees Xiaoyu,and she sees him and smiles,but doesn't seem to know him.The last scene is when the 1979 Tamkang (Danjiang) Secondary School graduation picture is taken,in which Xianglun and Xiaoyu are present.

英语翻译我们班要举办英语角、话题是“电影”.请把电影“不能说的秘密”的简介翻译成英文词汇不能太难.(因为我们是高一)一段就行,把主要内容说清楚就好还有、“不能说的秘密”这 适合初中生的英语角话题我们即将举办英语角 但是不知道应该选取哪些话题?出出主意,想一些话题.适合初中生的即可! 英语角话题 用英语翻译:英语角是一个交流思想和见证我们成长的好地方 我们英语角准备集体看一场电影,看什么好呢?!我们英语角准备集体看一场英语电影,看什么好呢?!具体的条件是:1.语言为英语,毕竟我们这里是英语角;2.内容健康,最好要有教育意义,且不陈旧,感 求英语角话题谢谢 英语角的主题!我刚刚大一,将要举办英语角,每人都要说英语,每人都要准备一个主题, 在班级里举办一英语角有是么用?我是英语科代表,想举办一英语角,但不只他的作用在那里?要如何做才能办好? 50字英语作文 English corner写一篇参加英语角活动的通知 1举办英语角的目的 2参加时间和地点 3谈论话题 4参加人员 开头是 In order to make friends,we want to …… 五十字左右 适合初中生的英语角话题 明天去英语角,话题是“北漂”,求话题?我在北京明天参加一英语角话题是北漂大家围在一起讨论说点啥呢? 给我们提供几个话题吧,让我们可以在英语角上谈论 求一段英语主持词我们高一年段要举办英语角,主题是movie and music 其中有自有发言、也有相关的才艺节目我当主持人,请写一些可串的主持词给我(英语的)具体的节目内容还没有报上来 、主 如果明天是晴天,我们就去看一场电影的英语翻译 英语角的主题!要举办一个英语角,要让大家开口说话,大家能不能帮我想几个主题,使得到时候有准备,有话可说! 英语翻译英语角怎么翻译? 口语 topic我想知道当我们上英语角的时候气氛很闷,我们该谈些什么话题呢? something about English明天我要去英语角,话题是:INTERNET,帮助我该怎么说,用哪些常见句型,该怎么聊,谢