请你写五条Classroom rules如题,最好能连成句子哦,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:56:30

请你写五条Classroom rules如题,最好能连成句子哦,
请你写五条Classroom rules

请你写五条Classroom rules如题,最好能连成句子哦,
Classroom rules.
First you are expected to reach school on time and never be late.(按时到校,不要迟到)
Second during the classes every student should obey the teachers and listen to the teacher carefully and quietly.(上课时要听从老师安排,认真听讲)
Third during the break between two classes every student should not chase and fight in the classroom.(课间不要在教室内追逐打闹)
Fourth keep the classroom clean at all the time.(保持教室清洁)
Fifth do not write on the desks and protect your own desks and chairs.(爱护自己的桌椅)

keep quiet
stay focused
no food or drink
keep tidy
give respect

Do not eat or drink at class.
Turn off your mobile phone when class begin.
Be polite to your teachers and classmates.
Do not forget to turn off the lights when you leave.
Keep the classroom clean.