Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.请分析句子结构,是一个句子还是两个句子?分号后面的谓语在哪?s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 20:29:13

Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.请分析句子结构,是一个句子还是两个句子?分号后面的谓语在哪?s
Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.

Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.请分析句子结构,是一个句子还是两个句子?分号后面的谓语在哪?s
Such inns (as there were)were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.
3,第二句主语是the food,谓语wash
simply不是什么成分,就是副词,表示仅仅,local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old 是food 的同位语.
整句的意思就是 食物仅仅是本地奶酪地就着已经放了12个月的面包,就着劣质的酒吃下去.

第一个were 是定语从句 there be 句型( as there were)里面的谓语,第二个were才是整个句子的谓语。
such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden 正如那里的此类小旅馆一样,通常总是很肮脏而且跳蚤横行。
as 正如。


第一个were 是定语从句 there be 句型( as there were)里面的谓语,第二个were才是整个句子的谓语。
such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden 正如那里的此类小旅馆一样,通常总是很肮脏而且跳蚤横行。
as 正如。


such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden 这句话怎么理解啊 there were were怎么用了2个were 求分析! 在新概念英语第四册中Such Inns as there were were generally dirty and flea—ridden.在这句话中,为什么会出现两个“were”? ______ were generally dirty and flea-ridden.A.The few inns that existedB.Such inns为什么这里不能选B?是因为Such一定要加上as 新概念四中的几个问题seven-course dinner flea-ridden 什么意思呀还有flea-ridden 那句Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden. 那个there were跟在后面什么结构哦 谢了~~~~ 英语是不是加一个逗号就可以换一个主语?Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old,all washed down with coarse wine.或者说加一个分号, Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often 12 months old,all washed down with coarse wine.请分析句子结构,是一个句子还是两个句子?分号后面的谓语在哪?s 新概念四有这么一句话Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden;the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old,all washed down with coarse wine.说是由于上下文语义明确并且为使句子 英语翻译there is no such thing as standard Englishi 翻译is there really such thing as love there is no such thing as A but B 是什么意思? There are such men as we believe.怎么翻译? there are no houses such as people live in there's no such thing as a free there's no such thing as a free there ain't no such thing as a free There is no such thing as a small crime There is no such thing as an unbiased observation翻译 there is no such thing as an average workday