帮忙写两个英语对话两个主题(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 19:15:51

帮忙写两个英语对话两个主题(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就
(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?
(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)
都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就可以 稍微专业点

帮忙写两个英语对话两个主题(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就
(1) Do you like keeping animals as pets?
A: Do you like keeping animals as pets?
B:Yes, sure. I have a dog living with my family now. Do you have one?
A: No, I don't. Because I think adopting pets is not good.
B: How can that be? There are pretty cute and can bring much fun to us.
A: Don't you think there are dirty? They always like playing outside.
B: Well, it depends. If you just let them be, it might be, but In my experience, we can clean them regularly. My mother gives our dog shower every week.
A: Besides, they also spread diseases by biting human beings.
B: It can be a problem. But now we have law for those who keep pets requiring them to have their pets medical treated before being adopted, and you can trained your pets not to bite others. Most of them are clever enough to be trained. Furthermore, to be a responsible keeper, you can use rope to tie them.
A: Oh, I see. Maybe I worry too much.
B: I do think so. You can try to keep one. I believe that you will have fun.
(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?
A: Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?
B: Well it's a big question. In my opinion, flattery is useless and can only get you to nowhere.
A: Why? Don't you think flattery can bring good communication atmosphere?
B: Yes, sometimes.But doesn't work everytime.
A: How come:
B: I don't think that all people only accept flattery. On the contrary, some people may think you flatter with purposes, and will refuse to continue the communication.
A: I don't think so. So far as I know, many bosses or leaders like flattery, and there will be willing to give you more chances if you flatter them, and this will get you everywhere you want.
B: I don't agree. A boss or a leader who treats others only by the flattery won't be successful all the time, and following this kind of boss will not bring you to a successful road.
A: But you can deny that someone get promotion by flattering their leaders.
B: Maybe. But what I think is that if flattery works at the very begining, it will give you a thought that it is very useful, and you will keep on using it but neglect to working hard. This also do bad to you success.
A: Oh, this is the point that didn't come into my mind. You are right.

帮忙写两个英语对话两个主题(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就 英语比较懂的进来看看,帮忙写一段对话daily report 主题是:Do you like rainy days?帮忙写一段简单的对话Thank you! 急求两个英语情景对话表演,每个几分钟左右主题:can you......what club do you want to join? 第一次见面英语对话谁能帮忙写一段两个同寝室的人在寝室第一次相遇见面的对话.每个人各说10句, 帮忙写一篇英语对话 英语里两个朋友见面对话怎么写 运用基本词汇写一篇两个陌生人相遇时交朋友的对话(英语) 帮我写两个英语对话帮我写一个有关吃饭和有关开party的英语对话, 根据一个话题 ,写一段英语对话.话题:What can we do to ensure equality between men & women?要求:大一学生口语考试用.两个男生对话.中等长度.一个人能说十句就行.水平不要太高. 帮忙编一段两人英语对话,2分钟左右,口试用.主题是:do you surf the net?也就是关于上网的. 英语对话设计帮我设计一段英语对话.对话的主题是:What food do you like? 英语课堂对话(帮忙写一下)主题是:share your ideas on how to make parents happy with your partner.两个人的对话,每人5-6句就行, 帮忙写几篇英语对话!急用!一共三篇:主题1:关于网恋 主题2:关于私家车 主题3:名牌时尚共三人对话,不要太难的,每人四五句就行!急用!谢谢! 英语好的人帮忙写两个对话(两个人各10句的对话!)急用有赏,1.You and your friend are at a restaurant and discussing what to have.2.You cannot find your wallet.You are asking your classmates(families) whether they have seen it s 每个主题10句以上的两个英语对话每个主题编两个对话、每个对话10句以上、 第一个主题Good morning.第二个、What's this in English?第三个、What color is it?第四个.What's your name?在翻译 英语对话:Which do you perfer?City or Country?帮忙写一篇口语两个人的对话 ,句子不用太长,但是每个人要说至少5句话, 六年级过去式英语对话我们组有4个人,3男1女,要编一个英语对话表演(两个主角),要求是一般过去时的,急 口语测试,求英语大神帮忙写一个两到三分钟的对话主题:talk about one of your unforgettable travelling experiences