为什么 美国 伊利诺伊州的英文ILLINOIS中S不 发音

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:13:42

为什么 美国 伊利诺伊州的英文ILLINOIS中S不 发音
为什么 美国 伊利诺伊州的英文ILLINOIS中S不 发音

为什么 美国 伊利诺伊州的英文ILLINOIS中S不 发音

The state of Illinois was named after the Illinois River. The river was named by French explorer Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle in 1679 after the Indians he found living along the banks. Illinois i...


The state of Illinois was named after the Illinois River. The river was named by French explorer Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle in 1679 after the Indians he found living along the banks. Illinois is the French spelling for the Illinois and Peoria Indian word "iliniwok," meaning men or warriors and perhaps referring to members of the Illinois tribe.
Bordered by the Mississippi River on the west and the Wabash and Ohio Rivers on the southeast and south, the landscape of Illinois can be grouped into three main regions; the Central Plains, the Shawnee Hills and the Gulf Coastal Plain. About 90% of Illinois is covered by the Central Plains region. These gently rolling fertile plains were carved and leveled by glaciers during the Ice Age. The Central Plains run from Lake Michigan west and south to cover most of the state and can be divided into three sections; the Great Lakes Plain, the Driftless Plains and the Till Plains.
Illinois is the Land of Lincoln, and the heart of America. Illinois prides itself on both its central location and its representation as the cultural center of the country, a microcosm of America. The state certainly does have everything from small towns and idyllic farms to big cities and industrial might. Illinois is one of the leading producers of corn and soybeans, but it is also the home of the world's busiest airport and towering skyscrapers. With access to the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, and its central location within the states, Illinois is a natural center for transportation. In fact, the state has the greatest concentration of land, water, and air transportation facilities in the entire world.
Illinois’s famous nickname is the Land of Lincoln, This name refers to Illinois as the state where Abraham Lincoln began his political career. This name is the Official State Slogan of Illinois, designated in 1955. In the same year, the U.S. Congress granted Illinois a special copyright for exclusive use of the "Land of Lincoln" insignia. Though Lincoln was born in Kentucky and lived in Indiana before moving to Illinois, it was in Illinois where young Abraham Lincoln began his political career with an unsuccessful run for the Illinois General Assembly in 1832. Lincoln eventually was elected to four terms in the Illinois General Assembly and served from 1834-1841. Illinois was also where Lincoln lived when he became President of the United States in 1861.


查了下字典 Illinois这个由法国人取的洲名的读音没有统一 词尾的s有发音也有不发音的 你看着办吧

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