
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 00:40:36


What A View
  The stop where we met at has now torn apart 我们曾初遇的车站已经破败打碎
  Since the day we were done 从我们结束的那天起
  As nothing never happened in the garden where we sat 我们曾坐过的花园不会没有故事发生
  See the flowers lying dead 死去的花朵躺在那里
  Lonely day lonely night that time 孤独的天孤独的夜晚
  Just see the wall see the street passing by 只有墙壁和街道 走马观花
  Anywhere anytime there’re things I wanna laugh at 任何时间任何地点都有我想笑的事情
  Digging in cutting out get headache 去做 去停止 让人头疼
  The door I had window set to your side 通向你(心里)那边的大门
  All your love all your lies thrown into trash can 你的爱你的谎言都被扔进垃圾桶了
  Oh what the hell had crack out between us 哦!我们之间究竟突然发生了什么!
  All the passion and burned out and back to dusts?所有的热情都被燃尽成灰
  All the happy day wiped out from the inside 所有快乐的日子都被从心里抹杀
  And you just fuck off!然后你就这么FUCKOFF“滚蛋”(粗话)了
  Rip those letters apart just like my heart 把信件撕碎了像我的心一样
  I wanna lock on all the memories get off my life 我要把所有的记忆从生活中抹去
  Get all your presents burning it’s the ashes fly 把你的礼物全部烧成灰
  Oh,look.What a view!哦!看看!什么情景!