一个英语语法问题,These young peopleThese young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 03:31:47

一个英语语法问题,These young peopleThese young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语
一个英语语法问题,These young people
These young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语从句么?

一个英语语法问题,These young peopleThese young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语
相当于非限定性定语从句,做同位语成分.但是一般非限定性定语从句用which引导.这里的“who love the------"不算错,相当于一个断句.你就把他当做同位语了.限定与非限定定语从句的区别就是对中心词的限定紧不紧密,这点可以从翻译上判断.

英语语法问题,these information describe还是describes 一个英语语法问题,These young peopleThese young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语 英语语法问题:对于年轻人来说,for young.对于 成年人来说,for adult.for 用的对吗 英语语法问题,帮我看看这个句子It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school.里面的studying和graduating为什么用Ing形式呢?这个句子是主语 几个英语语法问题:状语从句1.You should be firm ____ you believe yourself to be correct.( where 和 in which 的区别 ) 2._____that these boys were too young ,they could be excused.A.Giving B.Suppose C.Considered D.Given说下原 一个关于英语语法的问题学了定语从句会把他和宾语从句和宾语不足语混淆call sd sth,所以do you know what they call these animals可是how 为什么不可以,意思为怎样叫着写动物do you know how they call these an 请教一个英语语法使用问题,These machines are better than___we turned out last year.这里为什么用Those而不用Which?These machines are better than which we turned out last year.这样感觉读的也很顺呀,为什么不能用呢? 一个英语语法问题,to 与owing to,用法以及两词...一个英语语法问题,to 与owing to,用法以及两词的对比. 高一英语语法题That young girl is not the one whom she used to be.The young lady is not the one that she used to be.为什么关系代词一个用whom一个用that 英语语法的菜鸟问题1.I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television.那些重复的电视节目我都看腻了.2.这病人害怕死亡(T)The sick man is afraid of dead.(F)The ill man is of afraid of dead.Q:在第一个句子中,为什么 一个英语语法问题.为什么need和contain后面要加S?而有些不用呢?Evry person (needs) water and a diet of healthy foods.These foods should (contain) some fat,some fibre,a little salt and so on.It (contains) a lot of fruit and green veg 英语语法问题the aims of these early grammarians were threefold:(a) they wanted tothe aims of these early grammarians were threefold:(a) they wanted to codify the principles of their languages,to show thatthere was a system beneath the apparent “英语语法问题”用英语怎么说? 英语语法问题:什么是限定词啊? 英语语法问题(关于代词) 英语语法问题 这句有什么错误 关于英语语法的问题一个句子中动词前面需要am is 一个简单的英语语法问题The boys___an apple 用have还是has