
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:23:58



janitor's tell your new group the directions 这是英语书上的活动题?还有一个:quick!find the janitor's closet.旁边配了一幅图就是一个门上面写的:janitor's closet。图上有好多问号. Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes?什么语法哦,JANITOR:The zoo!Do you believe everything the zoo tells ya?ROSS:That,that's the only thing the zoo's ever told me.JANITOR:Of course they're gonna say he's dead.They don't want the bad p 英语翻译接待办公室 receive office收费室 beneficence gathering传达室 Janitor’s room宗教日用品流通部门religion’s articles for daily use to circulate department佛堂 Buddhist Prayer Room林长室 office of the chairman厕所 Janitor Closet 如果翻译的话,译为什么比较好? to the Janitor on duty at the entrance of the Referencing Section. 成分分析The janitor staggered down the stairway,(stunned by the bizarre noises and gasping for air).句子内是什么成分.分析下 求一句话的语法分析As a newsboy,sailor,millhand,stoker,tramp,and janitor,he come to know all there was to know about the life of the underdog.这句话中的后半部分he come to know all there was to know about the life of the underdog不 21204—every visitor is expected to show his identity card every time to the Janitor on duty at the entrance of the Referencing Section.3733想问:1—Referencing Section:Expect to see them soon.:预期不久看到他们I expect to operate com 看过《幸福终点站》及懂英语的进~Tell me the name of the following people1.The main character2.The Airport Boss3.The main police / security man4.The janitor / cleaner5.The lady that stamps his forms6.The air hostessSituation Questions1.W s s s (s) S. S. s S: