
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:13:50


图的拼写错了,正确拼写是 environment ,有个 n .

what is the enviroment? enviroment是不是可数名词a happy enviroment的说法对吗 People should know the _____________ (important) of protecting the environme environment rating的中文意思 和 它的定义rating 和 evaluation都有评价的意思~前面加上enviroment这两个环境评价有何不同 that 和 it 在做代词的时候有什么区别?》题:People think _____ is more and more important to protect the enviroment.A.that B.it protect enviroment作文要有1节约用电2保护森林3合理利用纸张4,放弃使用纸杯和一次性筷子5对美好环境的憧憬 cumulative damage to the enviroment 翻译 human's damages on the enviroment enviroment和environment的区别?同志们,请不要把词典上查来的给我……谢谢!为了打击那些试图用词典回答的同学,以下附上解释:还有一张图片发不了了,抱歉! We must help ______(keep) our enviroment clean. 请帮忙找一篇有关enviroment protection的英文短文 来篇关于 enviroment 的作文sorry environment! Low-carbon Life Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environme 在上海怎么和老外交朋友,我想练习自己的口语now ,i am in shanghai ,i want to make friends with them ,you konw ,practise english need a real language enviroment ,i want to find someone together with me,and if you have friend like that 帮忙看下这几句话有没有语法错误But there are more and more pullotion in the earth.但是现在地球上的污染越来越多.The trees and the flowers are fewer and fewer.树和花越来越少.If we do ,the enviroment will get better an how to protect our enviroment求一篇关于how to protect our enviroment的英语文章.越快越好... 请帮我写一篇100字的英文议论文,题目是;the protection of enviroment 牛津深圳版英语八年级下册的课文内容,chapter3的 enviroment